O serial killer à luz do sistema jurídico penal brasileiro
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Marcucci, Giovanna Estorino
Felberg, Rodrigo
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O presente trabalho tem o escopo de discutir o perfil psicopata dos serial killers e, diante disso, estabelecer suas implicações penais frente ao ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Assim, inicia-se com a análise do conceito de psicopatia, as características dos sujeitos acometidos por esse transtorno, bem como a sua diferenciação em relação à doença mental. Em um segundo momento, cabe aferir sua culpabilidade, especificamente no que se refere a imputabilidade desses agentes, para fins de responsabilização em face dos crimes praticados. Do mesmo modo, vislumbra-se o exame de como as medidas punitivas atualmente adotadas ante os criminosos psicopatas refletem e impactam nesses sujeitos, assim como em toda a sociedade: ou são considerados imputáveis, a qual é aplicada a pena privativa de liberdade, ou são tidos como semi-imputáveis, hipótese em que o magistrado pode determinar o cumprimento da pena privativa de liberdade, fazendo jus a redução do parágrafo único, do art. 26, do Código Penal, ou ainda substitui-la por medida de segurança. Desta feita, em consideração as características inerentes a personalidade dos homicidas em série, do mesmo modo a atual impossibilidade de tratamento da psicopatia, as penitenciarias e hospitais de custódia em que são inseridos acabam por não cumprir suas finalidades, pelo contrário, tornam-se ambientes conturbados por esses indivíduos, além de se valerem da sua capacidade de manipulação para ludibriar os profissionais que lidam com esses criminosos com a finalidade de conseguirem vantagens pessoais. À vista disso, demonstra-se que inexiste um entendimento homogêneo quanto a adequada sanção penal que deve ser aplicada, competindo ressaltar, ainda, as falhas da atual sistemática e o descompasso do sistema jurídico penal brasileiro frente aos estudos das ciências médicas e psicológicas sobre psicopatia, além da necessidade de suprir as lacunas existentes sobre o assunto.
The present study has the scope of discussing the serial killers’ psychopath profile, and as a result, establish their penal implications in front of the Brazilian legal order. Thereby, it starts with the analysis of the psychopathy concept, the characteristics of the subjects affected by this disorder, as well as its differentiation regarding the mental issue. In a second moment, it befits to check their culpability, specifically about the imputability of these agents, for the purpose of accountability in the face of the commited crimes. Furthermore, it glimpses the exam of how the punitive measures currently adopted against psychopathic criminals reflect and impact these subjects, as all the society: on the one hand, they are considered imputable, in which the custodial sentence is applied; on the other hand, they are considered semi-imputable, hypothesis in which the magistrate can determine the enforcement of the custodial sentence, living up to the reduction of the single paragraph of the article 26 of the Penal Code, or even replace it with a security measure. Therefore, considering those inherent characteristics of the serial killers’ personality, likewise the current impossibility of treating psychopathy, the penitentiaries and custody hospitals in which they are inserted end up not fulfilling their purposes, on the contrary, they become troubled environments by these individuals, besides using their own handling capacity to hoodwink the professionals who deal with those criminals for the purpose of obtaining personal advantages. In view of that, it proves that a homogeneous understanding does not exist, regarding to the penal sanction that should be applied, highlighting the failures of the current systematic and the mismatch of the Brazilian penal legal system before the medical and psychological studies about psychopathy, apart from the necessity of filling the existing gaps about this theme.
The present study has the scope of discussing the serial killers’ psychopath profile, and as a result, establish their penal implications in front of the Brazilian legal order. Thereby, it starts with the analysis of the psychopathy concept, the characteristics of the subjects affected by this disorder, as well as its differentiation regarding the mental issue. In a second moment, it befits to check their culpability, specifically about the imputability of these agents, for the purpose of accountability in the face of the commited crimes. Furthermore, it glimpses the exam of how the punitive measures currently adopted against psychopathic criminals reflect and impact these subjects, as all the society: on the one hand, they are considered imputable, in which the custodial sentence is applied; on the other hand, they are considered semi-imputable, hypothesis in which the magistrate can determine the enforcement of the custodial sentence, living up to the reduction of the single paragraph of the article 26 of the Penal Code, or even replace it with a security measure. Therefore, considering those inherent characteristics of the serial killers’ personality, likewise the current impossibility of treating psychopathy, the penitentiaries and custody hospitals in which they are inserted end up not fulfilling their purposes, on the contrary, they become troubled environments by these individuals, besides using their own handling capacity to hoodwink the professionals who deal with those criminals for the purpose of obtaining personal advantages. In view of that, it proves that a homogeneous understanding does not exist, regarding to the penal sanction that should be applied, highlighting the failures of the current systematic and the mismatch of the Brazilian penal legal system before the medical and psychological studies about psychopathy, apart from the necessity of filling the existing gaps about this theme.
psicopatia , homicidas em série , culpabilidade , imputabilidade , psychopathy , serial killers , culpability , imputability