Recuperação judicial: a figura dos credores fiduciários
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Gutierrez, Octavio Weicker Valverde
Bdine Junior, Hamid Charaf
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Membros da banca
O presente trabalho aborda a figura dos credores fiduciários previstos no art. 49, § 3º,
da Lei n° 11.101 de 9 de fevereiro de 2005 (“Lei de Recuperação Judicial e Falências – “LRF”),
e algumas das inúmeras controvérsias envolvendo a “perseguição” de tais créditos no cenário
da recuperação judicial. Objeto de calorosas discussões na seara concursal, a previsão de
credores que não se sujeitam à recuperação judicial gera, na maioria das vezes, um verdadeiro
empecilho à superação da crise econômico-financeira por parte do devedor. Nestes quase 15
anos de vigência LRF, surgiram milhares de controvérsias envolvendo a satisfação do crédito
de credores não sujeitos à recuperação judicial, disputas que continuarão a surgir, ainda mais
no contexto da severa crise econômica enfrentada pelo Brasil nos últimos anos. Sendo assim, é
relevantíssima a análise de questões envolvendo a figura do credor fiduciário, tais como, o
momento em que a execução individual do crédito pode ocorrer, a perseguição de bens diversos
aos dados em garantia, o “timing” do reconhecimento extraconcursalidade, controvérsias
envolvendo a excussão de garantias, dentre outras. Por isso, todo e qualquer estudo envolvendo
tais temas, ainda que sem atingir respostas absolutas, é, sem dúvidas, um aceno à reversão dos
números que escancaram a ineficiência do sistema recuperacional brasileiro.
This paper aims to address the secured creditor figure – especially about chattel mortgages under the third paragraph of article 49 of Law No. 11,101 of February 9, 2005 (“Brazilian Bankruptcy Law”) – and some of the many controversies involving the pursuit of such credits in the judicial recovery scenario. A target for heated discussions in the field of insolvency law, the possibility that creditors are not under the bankruptcy procedure, most of the time poses a real obstacle to overcoming the economic and financial crisis by the debtor. Thus, in almost 15 years of the Brazilian Bankruptcy Law effectiveness, thousands of disputes involving secured creditors satisfaction have arisen – especially in the today’s context – one of the most severe economic crisis faced by Brazil. Among these controversies are, for example, the moment that the individual execution of the credit can occur, bypassing the pleading for different assets, definition that the creditor will enter or not in the ranking of competing creditors, guarantees performance discussions and many others. For all these reasons, any study that involves such subjects, although without obtaining final answers, is undoubtedly a nod to the inversion of the numbers that reveal the inefficiency of the Brazilian judicial recovery system.
This paper aims to address the secured creditor figure – especially about chattel mortgages under the third paragraph of article 49 of Law No. 11,101 of February 9, 2005 (“Brazilian Bankruptcy Law”) – and some of the many controversies involving the pursuit of such credits in the judicial recovery scenario. A target for heated discussions in the field of insolvency law, the possibility that creditors are not under the bankruptcy procedure, most of the time poses a real obstacle to overcoming the economic and financial crisis by the debtor. Thus, in almost 15 years of the Brazilian Bankruptcy Law effectiveness, thousands of disputes involving secured creditors satisfaction have arisen – especially in the today’s context – one of the most severe economic crisis faced by Brazil. Among these controversies are, for example, the moment that the individual execution of the credit can occur, bypassing the pleading for different assets, definition that the creditor will enter or not in the ranking of competing creditors, guarantees performance discussions and many others. For all these reasons, any study that involves such subjects, although without obtaining final answers, is undoubtedly a nod to the inversion of the numbers that reveal the inefficiency of the Brazilian judicial recovery system.
bankruptcy , secured creditors , fiduciary guarantees , recuperação judicial , credores fiduciários , garantias fiduciárias