Testes automatizados de front-end com utilização de BDD e cypress
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Meger, Bruna de Souza
Andrade, Kassya Christina Rigolon de
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A aplicação de testes de software é fundamental para verificar falhas e erros que possam comprometer o desenvolvimento de um projeto de software. Baseado nisso, esta pesquisa tem como escopo a compreensão do método de automação de testes BDD, conhecido como Desenvolvimento Orientado ao Comportamento, suas vantagens quando utilizado junto da ferramenta Cypress e uma demonstração a partir de um front-end desenvolvido para receber os testes automatizados. A partir da análise de livros e artigos, foi descrito como desenvolver e quais são as vantagens dos testes automatizados para um sistema front-end. Foram desenvolvidos diversos testes com a utilização da ferramenta Cucumber, um framework facilitador de escrita e configuração de testes utilizando o método BDD. Após análise da velocidade ao rodar os testes, há uma comparação com o tempo que levaria realizando-os manualmente, demonstrando as possíveis melhorias de tempo que podem beneficiar as equipes de tecnologia quando utilizam as ferramentas Cypress e Cucumber.
The application of software testing is essential to check failures and errors that could compromise the development of a software project. Based on this, this research aims to understand the BDD test automation method, known as Behavior Driven Development, its advantages when used together with the Cypress tool and a demonstration of a front-end developed to receive automated tests. From the analysis of books and articles, it was described how to develop and what are the advantages of automated tests for a front-end system. Several tests were developed using the Cucumber tool, a framework that facilitates writing and configuring tests using the BDD method. After analyzing the speed when running the tests, there is a comparison with the time it would take to perform them manually, demonstrating the possible time improvements that can benefit technology teams when using the Cypress and Cucumber tools.
The application of software testing is essential to check failures and errors that could compromise the development of a software project. Based on this, this research aims to understand the BDD test automation method, known as Behavior Driven Development, its advantages when used together with the Cypress tool and a demonstration of a front-end developed to receive automated tests. From the analysis of books and articles, it was described how to develop and what are the advantages of automated tests for a front-end system. Several tests were developed using the Cucumber tool, a framework that facilitates writing and configuring tests using the BDD method. After analyzing the speed when running the tests, there is a comparison with the time it would take to perform them manually, demonstrating the possible time improvements that can benefit technology teams when using the Cypress and Cucumber tools.
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teste de software , desenvolvimento orientado a comportamento , cypress , cucumber , equipes de tecnologia , software testing , behavior driven development , cypress , cucumber , technology teams