ACFIS brasileiros: a possível submissão de casos perante a corte internacional de justiça e a execução de sentenças internacionais
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Rocha, Vinícius Rampazo
Wagner Junior, Luiz Guilherme da Costa
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Membros da banca
O presente estudo parte de uma análise dos Acordos de Cooperação e Facilitação de
Investimentos (“ACFIs”) no que tange, principalmente, os seus mecanismos de prevenção e de
resolução de disputas, verificando a sua forma de acesso, bem como seu funcionamento e
apontando pontos relevantes de divergência por meio de uma análise comparativa de dois dos
ACFIs assinados pelo Brasil, além da demonstração de lacunas em seus textos. Inicialmente
será realizada uma contextualização do sistema adotado pelo Brasil, considerando o cenário
internacional no momento de sua criação e a influência do sistema adotado pela Coreia do Sul.
Em seguida é feita uma análise dos órgãos criados pelos ACFIs e sua forma de atuação na
administração dos acordos considerando o seu papel nos mecanismos de prevenção e de
resolução de disputas. No que tange o mecanismo de resolução de disputas, verificar-se-á qual
seria o possível órgão julgador para as lides que venham a surgir em seu âmbito, observando as
normas processuais que viriam a reger a sua tramitação e, por fim, classificar a natureza jurídica
da sentença proferida para determinar a sua forma de execução pelo sistema normativo
The present study is based on the Investment Cooperation and Facilitation Treaties (“ACFIs”) regarding, mainly, their mechanisms for prevention and resolution of disputes, verifying their form of access, as well as its operation and pointing out relevant diverging points through a comparative analysis of two of the ACFIs signed by Brazil, in addition to demonstrating gaps in their texts. Initially, a contextualization of the system adopted by Brazil will be carried out, considering the international scenario at the moment of its creation and the influence of the system adopted by South Korea. Afterward, there will be an analysis of the bodies created by the ACFIs and their performance in the administration of the agreements considering their role in the mechanisms for prevention and resolution of disputes. Regarding the mechanism of dispute resolution it will be verified which would be the possible judging body for the disputes that may arise in its scope, observing the procedural rules that would govern its processing and, at last, classify the legal nature of the sentence handed down to determine its form of execution under the Brazilian normative system.
The present study is based on the Investment Cooperation and Facilitation Treaties (“ACFIs”) regarding, mainly, their mechanisms for prevention and resolution of disputes, verifying their form of access, as well as its operation and pointing out relevant diverging points through a comparative analysis of two of the ACFIs signed by Brazil, in addition to demonstrating gaps in their texts. Initially, a contextualization of the system adopted by Brazil will be carried out, considering the international scenario at the moment of its creation and the influence of the system adopted by South Korea. Afterward, there will be an analysis of the bodies created by the ACFIs and their performance in the administration of the agreements considering their role in the mechanisms for prevention and resolution of disputes. Regarding the mechanism of dispute resolution it will be verified which would be the possible judging body for the disputes that may arise in its scope, observing the procedural rules that would govern its processing and, at last, classify the legal nature of the sentence handed down to determine its form of execution under the Brazilian normative system.
ACFI , CIJ , proteção ao investimento , protection of investment