Direito à privacidade e dados pessoais na internet
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Almeida, Victor Olimpio de
Marineli, Marcelo Romão
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A facilidade de acesso a informações, produtos e serviços nos tempos atuais é um avanço
extraordinário, revelando-se como verdadeiro marco da era contemporânea, funcionando a
Internet como possibilitadora de tamanha conectividade sem fronteiras. Tal grandiosidade,
contudo, requer cuidados proporcionais ao avanço tecnológico proporcionado. À medida em
que a exposição de dados pessoais se torna mais comum nas redes sociais, nas lojas online, nos
programas de assinatura eletrônicas e certificados digitais, a segurança desses mesmos dados é
colocada em risco, estando sujeitos a utilização não autorizada por outras partes, como se
verifica pela quantidade de e-mails, mensagens e ligações spam recebidos. O avanço fornecido
pela conectividade é evidente, mas as práticas abusivas precisam ser cerceadas pelo
ordenamento jurídico. Nesse sentido, normas nacionais e internacionais, como a Lei Geral de
Proteção de Dados (LGPD), o Marco Civil da Internet e a General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR), vêm sendo sancionadas a fim de melhor tutelar a privacidade e os dados pessoais. O
que se objetiva com tais normas é possibilitar um equilíbrio entre avanço tecnológico e proteção
dos dados pessoais. É justamente nesse contexto que o presente trabalho se enquadra. Por meio
de um estudo doutrinário, legal e jurisprudencial, também baseado em casos concretos, este
artigo pretende delinear o que são dados pessoais e quais são os limites do direito à privacidade,
e, com isso, demonstrar se as mais recentes ferramentas de proteção de dados pessoais e da
privacidade são suficientes para proteger os usuários mais vulneráveis à tais exposições.
Também pretende-se expor quais alterações as instituições deverão realizar a fim de se
adequarem à nova legislação.
The ease of access to information, products and services is an extraordinary advance, a true landmark of the contemporary era, being the Internet an enabling force for such seamless connectivity. Such grandiosity, however, requires increased caution due to such technological advances. As the exposure of personal data becomes more common in social networks, online stores, electronic signature programs and digital certificates, the security of this data is put at risk, becoming subject to unauthorized use by other parties, as it can be verified by the amount of spam e-mails, messages and links received. The technological advances provided by connectivity is evident, but abusive practices need to be curtailed by the legal system. In this sense, national and international laws, such as the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) and the Internet Civil Framework in Brazil and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe have been sanctioned in order to better protect privacy and personal data. The objective of these regulations is to balance technological advancement and the protection of personal information. It is precisely this scenario that this work presents and analyses. By a doctrinal, legal and jurisprudential study, also based on concrete cases, this article intends to outline what “personal data” is and which are the limits of the right to privacy, and thus intends to demonstrate whether the latest personal data and privacy protection tools are sufficient to protect the most vulnerable users from such exposures. It is also intended to explore which changes institutions must make to successfully adapt to the new legislation.
The ease of access to information, products and services is an extraordinary advance, a true landmark of the contemporary era, being the Internet an enabling force for such seamless connectivity. Such grandiosity, however, requires increased caution due to such technological advances. As the exposure of personal data becomes more common in social networks, online stores, electronic signature programs and digital certificates, the security of this data is put at risk, becoming subject to unauthorized use by other parties, as it can be verified by the amount of spam e-mails, messages and links received. The technological advances provided by connectivity is evident, but abusive practices need to be curtailed by the legal system. In this sense, national and international laws, such as the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) and the Internet Civil Framework in Brazil and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe have been sanctioned in order to better protect privacy and personal data. The objective of these regulations is to balance technological advancement and the protection of personal information. It is precisely this scenario that this work presents and analyses. By a doctrinal, legal and jurisprudential study, also based on concrete cases, this article intends to outline what “personal data” is and which are the limits of the right to privacy, and thus intends to demonstrate whether the latest personal data and privacy protection tools are sufficient to protect the most vulnerable users from such exposures. It is also intended to explore which changes institutions must make to successfully adapt to the new legislation.
dados pessoais , direito à privacidade , instrumentos de proteção de dados pessoais , personal data , right to privacy , protection tools