O impacto da mudança dos jogos de mídia física para mídia digital na economia
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Silva, Damaris Ellen Oliveira
Basso, Leonardo Fernando Cruz
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Ao longo dos anos a indústria de jogos foi ganhando mais espaço na economia, sendo necessário alguns avanços para atender as demandas necessárias. A presente pesquisa pretende explicar como a modernização dos jogos, que antes eram físicos, passaram para os moldes digitais e impactaram a economia, dando destaque agora as plataformas digitais desde o uso de consoles, computadores e até mesmo celulares. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é identificar se o setor apresentou mudanças econômicas ao longo dos anos, com base na evolução da mídia física para mídia digital, o que possibilitou uma maior versatilidade dos meios de compra de jogos e com esse avanço como ficou a mídia física após isso. O ponto de originalidade dessa pesquisa é a análise referente ao atendimento das necessidades humanas, sendo uma delas o entretenimento, os jogos foram capazes de sanar essa necessidade e mostrar que houve uma maior eficiência e facilidade em comprar, ter e manter os jogos. Para estudo e estruturação da pesquisa os métodos escolhidos foram o de pesquisa exploratória, para compreender melhor a evolução para a mídia digital e como isso impactou a economia e a pesquisa bibliográfica utilizando livros e artigos. Os principais resultados da pesquisa foram que a indústria de jogos e a mídia digital têm se estabelecido fortemente no Brasil, impulsionando o crescimento econômico, gerando empregos e transformando a forma como os jogadores consomem entretenimentos digitais.
Over the years, the games industry has been gaining more space in the economy, requiring some advances to meet the necessary demands. This research aims to explain how the modernization of games, which used to be physical, has shifted to digital formats and impacted the economy, now highlighting digital platforms from the use of consoles, computers and even cell phones. The overall aim of this research is to identify whether the sector has undergone economic changes over the years, based on the evolution from physical to digital media, which has enabled greater versatility in the means of purchasing games and how physical media has changed since then. The point of originality of this research is the analysis of the fulfillment of human needs, one of which is entertainment. Games have been able to meet this need and show that there has been greater efficiency and ease in buying, owning, and maintaining games. To study and structure, the research, the methods chosen were exploratory research, to better understand the evolution towards digital media and how this has impacted the economy, and bibliographical research using books and articles. The main results of the research were that the games industry and digital media have become strongly established in Brazil, driving economic growth, generating jobs and transforming the way gamers consume digital entertainment.
Over the years, the games industry has been gaining more space in the economy, requiring some advances to meet the necessary demands. This research aims to explain how the modernization of games, which used to be physical, has shifted to digital formats and impacted the economy, now highlighting digital platforms from the use of consoles, computers and even cell phones. The overall aim of this research is to identify whether the sector has undergone economic changes over the years, based on the evolution from physical to digital media, which has enabled greater versatility in the means of purchasing games and how physical media has changed since then. The point of originality of this research is the analysis of the fulfillment of human needs, one of which is entertainment. Games have been able to meet this need and show that there has been greater efficiency and ease in buying, owning, and maintaining games. To study and structure, the research, the methods chosen were exploratory research, to better understand the evolution towards digital media and how this has impacted the economy, and bibliographical research using books and articles. The main results of the research were that the games industry and digital media have become strongly established in Brazil, driving economic growth, generating jobs and transforming the way gamers consume digital entertainment.
jogos , economia , mídia física , mídia digital , economia criativa , games , economy , physical media , digital media , creative economy