O debate parlamentar na reforma da previdência de 2019: entre a fartura e a escassez
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Silva, Antonio Marcos da Cruz
Lima, Fernando Rister de Sousa
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O artigo discute a Emenda Constitucional nº 103/2019, que alterou a fixação de idade mínima,
a alíquota de contribuição, o tempo mínimo de contribuição, o cálculo do benefício e as regras
de transição para o novo regime das aposentadorias e pensões do Regime Geral de Previdência
Social e do Regime Próprio de Previdência dos Servidores Públicos da União. O texto analisa
os discursos políticos que deram forma ao debate parlamentar que aprovou a referida Emenda,
a partir de uma interpretação sociológica do processo legislativo à luz da realidade
socioeconômica do país. O referencial teórico fundamenta-se na tese do Professor Jessé Souza
– Os interesses e as lutas das classes sociais (2017). Segundo o autor, a partir do final do século
XIX surge uma “ralé brasileira de todas as cores” ou “a ralé de novos escravos”, pois a
dominação agora é de classe e não de raça.
This article aims at discussing, in the Brazilian context, the Constitutional Amendment number 103/2019, in which one changes minimum age, contribution level, minimum contributing time, and the calculation of benefits, as well as the transitioning rules for the new retirement and pension regime for both the Social Welfare General Regime and the Social Welfare Regime of the National Public Employees. This text analyzes the political discourses responsible for shaping the parliamentary debate that approved the above-mentioned Amendment. In order of doing that one relies on a sociological interpretation of the legislation process pressed by the socioeconomic reality of the nation. The set of theoretical references is based on the dissertation defended by Professor Jessé Souza, titled Os interesses e as lutas das classes sociais (Interests and Fights of the Social Classes, published in 2017). According to the author, the end of the 19th century sees the beginning of an “all-color Brazilian rabble” or “the new-slave rabble”, for the domination is now based on class and not on race anymore.
This article aims at discussing, in the Brazilian context, the Constitutional Amendment number 103/2019, in which one changes minimum age, contribution level, minimum contributing time, and the calculation of benefits, as well as the transitioning rules for the new retirement and pension regime for both the Social Welfare General Regime and the Social Welfare Regime of the National Public Employees. This text analyzes the political discourses responsible for shaping the parliamentary debate that approved the above-mentioned Amendment. In order of doing that one relies on a sociological interpretation of the legislation process pressed by the socioeconomic reality of the nation. The set of theoretical references is based on the dissertation defended by Professor Jessé Souza, titled Os interesses e as lutas das classes sociais (Interests and Fights of the Social Classes, published in 2017). According to the author, the end of the 19th century sees the beginning of an “all-color Brazilian rabble” or “the new-slave rabble”, for the domination is now based on class and not on race anymore.
reforma da previdência , democracia , classes sociais , desenvolvimento econômico , social welfare reform , democracy , social classes , economic development