Gilberto Mendes : homem novo, música nova
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Citações (Scopus)
Palermo Filho, Silas da Luz
Masini, Elcie Aparecida Fortes Salzano
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Membros da banca
Giora, Regina Célia Faria Amaro
Santos, Antonio Eduardo
Santos, Antonio Eduardo
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
This research approaches the person of Gilberto Mendes as a transforming
himself and consequently his art starting from a perception of the world and
the necessary significance to him. Mendes's work is intertwined with your
personal perspective and new thinking, a new man before a new world. His
artistic practice is therefore a process of (re) signification of self and musical
signs; its influence to the contemporary art world is renowned for artists and
for the beginners of this generation. Thus, this work presents a profile of the
thought of Gilberto Mendes transported to his work and ultimately how it has
influenced, has left a legacy both artistic, of inventor that was, as academic.
Research is on to describe, analyze and compare the artistic process of
Mendes and draw implications of this. The use of some writings and musical
language materials are needed in such a task to make it objective and
corroborative, observing techniques, historical and social issues. The
research contributes to a better understanding of contemporary art in the
contemporary, music specifically, where language and technology are
strongly present and dynamic; also shows the solution given by Mendes for a
new art, and paid off the other composers and academics.
música contemporânea brasileira , Gilberto Mendes , pósmodernismo , ressignificação , legado
Assuntos Scopus
PALERMO FILHO, Silas da Luz. Gilberto Mendes : homem novo, música nova. 2016. 158 f. Dissertação( Educação, Arte e História da Cultura) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.