Mercado de carbono e a mercantilização do meio ambiente
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Tanaka, Luiza Gauglitz
Menezes, Daniel Francisco Nagao
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Tendo em vista que as mudanças climáticas são risco global e que soluções
dependem de cooperação internacional, pesquisa-se sobre o mercado de carbono e a evolução
do direito ambiental internacional, a fim de entender a efetividade da mercantilização do meio
ambiente frente ao aquecimento global. Para tanto, é necessário analisar toda o histórico do
mercado de carbono, desde a sua criação com o Protocolo de Quioto, entender as novidades
trazidas pelo Artigo 6 do Acordo de Paris, bem como seus fundamentos jurídicos e definir e
refletir sob re as críticas à mercantilização do meio ambiente. Realiza-se, então, uma pesquisa
descritiva e qualitativa. Diante disso, verifica-se a certeza de um mercado de carbono global,
que tem o condão de gerar um volume de comercio expressivo e que promoveu o crescimento
da mercantilização do meio ambiente, tornando imprescindível a adoção de medidas para
controlar a busca pelo lucro antes da proteção à natureza.
Considering that climate change is a global risk and that solutions depend on international cooperation, the research is carried out on the carbon market and the evolution of international environmental law, in order to understand the effectiveness of the commodification of nature in the face of global warming. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the entire history of the carbon market, since its creation with the Kyoto Protocol, to understand the novelties brought by Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, as well as its legal foundations, and to define and reflect on the criticisms of commodification. of nature. A descriptive and qualitative research is then carried out. In view of this, there is the certainty of a global carbon market, which has the power to generate an expressive volume of trade and which has promoted the growth of the commercialization of the environment, making it essential to adopt measures to control the search for profit before environmental protection.
Considering that climate change is a global risk and that solutions depend on international cooperation, the research is carried out on the carbon market and the evolution of international environmental law, in order to understand the effectiveness of the commodification of nature in the face of global warming. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the entire history of the carbon market, since its creation with the Kyoto Protocol, to understand the novelties brought by Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, as well as its legal foundations, and to define and reflect on the criticisms of commodification. of nature. A descriptive and qualitative research is then carried out. In view of this, there is the certainty of a global carbon market, which has the power to generate an expressive volume of trade and which has promoted the growth of the commercialization of the environment, making it essential to adopt measures to control the search for profit before environmental protection.
mudanças climáticas , mercado de carbono , acordo de paris , regime jurídico internacional de mudanças climáticas , climate change , carbon market , paris agreement , climate change international legal regime