O cenário normativo, doutrinário e jurisprudencial nacional e internacional quanto aos crimes contra os animais
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Nunes, Ana Laura Castilho
Barone, Marcelo Luiz
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O presente artigo tem por finalidade analisar a evolução do tratamento dado aos animais ao longo do tempo e ao redor do mundo. Busca analisar as teorias, precedentes judiciais, leading cases que levaram ao debate e leis que surgiram para garantir-lhes maior bem-estar e condições de vida. Pontua o surgimento do Direito Animal como ramo independente do Direito Ambiental e demonstra a importância do tema atualmente. Define a senciência. Debate o status assumido pelos animais em diferentes ordenamentos jurídicos, demonstra a importância do avanço normativo sobre o tema e faz críticas ao que falta para obter tratamento plenamente digno aos animais não-humanos.
This article aims to analyze the evolution of the treatment given to animals over time and around the world. It seeks to analyze the theories, judicial precedents, leading cases that led to the debate and laws that emerged to guarantee greater well-being and living conditions. It points out the emergence of Animal Law as an independent branch of Environmental Law and demonstrates the importance of the theme today. Defines sentience. It discusses the status assumed by animals in different legal systems, demonstrates the importance of normative progress on the subject and criticizes what is lacking to obtain fully dignified treatment for non-human animals.
This article aims to analyze the evolution of the treatment given to animals over time and around the world. It seeks to analyze the theories, judicial precedents, leading cases that led to the debate and laws that emerged to guarantee greater well-being and living conditions. It points out the emergence of Animal Law as an independent branch of Environmental Law and demonstrates the importance of the theme today. Defines sentience. It discusses the status assumed by animals in different legal systems, demonstrates the importance of normative progress on the subject and criticizes what is lacking to obtain fully dignified treatment for non-human animals.
animais , maus-tratos , direito penal , animals , mistreatment , criminal law