Grau de satisfação de acadêmicas do curso de medicina quanto ao uso de métodos contraceptivos e seu perfil epidemiológico
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Scariot, João Ronaldo Bridi
Biagi, Juliana de
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INTRODUÇÃO: o tema da contracepção das mulheres no Brasil é crucial, abordando questões sociais, políticas e financeiras. A falta de contracepção aumenta o risco de gravidez indesejada, abortos e infecções sexualmente transmissíveis. A saúde sexual está intrinsecamente ligada à saúde física e mental, conforme afirmado pela OMS e pelos Institutos Nacionais de Saúde dos EUA. A tomada de decisões sobre o planejamento familiar é complexa, envolvendo objetivos pessoais e profissionais. OBJETIVO: avaliar o nível de satisfação das universitárias de medicina com relação ao uso de métodos contraceptivos, assim como estabelecer o perfil epidemiológico. MÉTODO: trata-se de um estudo exploratório-descritivo, de abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa, com recorte transversal por meio de método de levantamento de dados atravez de questionários de avaliação de grau de satisfação e perfil epidemiológico pela plataforma do Google Forms® atravez de grupos fechados de redes sociais. Ao todo foi coletado uma amostra de 172 academicas de medicina. RESULTADOS: 172 respostas foram analisadas quanto ao índice de satisfação em relação ao perfil epidemiológico. Os dados coletados foram resumidos e descritos a partir do cálculo de medidas descritivas (variáveis quantitativas) e construção de tabelas de contingência (variáveis categóricas). Em seguida, para comparação dos grupos em relação às variáveis categóricas, foi aplicado o teste Qui-quadrado (ou teste de Fisher quando a amostra era pequena) e em relação às variáveis quantitativas, foi aplicado o teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney. CONCLUSÃO: não houve diferença significativa entre os aspectos investigados e o grau de satisfação do uso de anticoncepcionais por estudantes de medicina. Entretanto, foi constatado que os maiores índices de satisfação registrados foram entre os métodos de longa duração como o DIU e o implante subcutâneo, mesmo que os contraceptivos mais usados sejam os de curto prazo.
INTRODUCTION: the issue of women's contraception in Brazil is crucial, addressing social, political and financial issues. Lack of contraception increases the risk of unwanted pregnancies, miscarriages and sexually transmitted infections. Sexual health is intrinsically linked to physical and mental health, as stated by the WHO and the US National Institutes of Health. Decision-making about family planning is complex, involving personal and professional objectives. OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the level of satisfaction of medical students regarding the use of contraceptive methods, as well as to establish the epidemiological profile. METHOD: this is an exploratory-descriptive study, with a quantitative and qualitative approach, with a cross-sectional approach using a data collection method through questionnaires to evaluate the degree of satisfaction and epidemiological profile using the Google Forms® platform through groups closed from social networks. In total, a sample of 172 medical students was collected. RESULTS: 172 responses were confirmed regarding the satisfaction index in relation to the epidemiological profile. The data found were summarized and described based on the calculation of descriptive measures (quantitative variables) and construction of contingency tables (categorical variables). Then, to compare groups in relation to categorical variables, the Chi-square test was applied (or Fisher's test when the sample was small) and in relation to quantitative variables, the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test was applied. CONCLUSION: there was no significant difference between the aspects investigated and the degree of satisfaction with the use of contraceptives by medical students. However, it was found that the highest satisfaction rates recorded were among long-term methods such as IUDs and subcutaneous implants, even though the most used contraceptives are short-term ones.
INTRODUCTION: the issue of women's contraception in Brazil is crucial, addressing social, political and financial issues. Lack of contraception increases the risk of unwanted pregnancies, miscarriages and sexually transmitted infections. Sexual health is intrinsically linked to physical and mental health, as stated by the WHO and the US National Institutes of Health. Decision-making about family planning is complex, involving personal and professional objectives. OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the level of satisfaction of medical students regarding the use of contraceptive methods, as well as to establish the epidemiological profile. METHOD: this is an exploratory-descriptive study, with a quantitative and qualitative approach, with a cross-sectional approach using a data collection method through questionnaires to evaluate the degree of satisfaction and epidemiological profile using the Google Forms® platform through groups closed from social networks. In total, a sample of 172 medical students was collected. RESULTS: 172 responses were confirmed regarding the satisfaction index in relation to the epidemiological profile. The data found were summarized and described based on the calculation of descriptive measures (quantitative variables) and construction of contingency tables (categorical variables). Then, to compare groups in relation to categorical variables, the Chi-square test was applied (or Fisher's test when the sample was small) and in relation to quantitative variables, the non-parametric Mann-Whitney test was applied. CONCLUSION: there was no significant difference between the aspects investigated and the degree of satisfaction with the use of contraceptives by medical students. However, it was found that the highest satisfaction rates recorded were among long-term methods such as IUDs and subcutaneous implants, even though the most used contraceptives are short-term ones.
contracepção , satisfação , estudantes de medicina , epidemiologia , contraception , satisfaction , medical students , epidemiology