Uso de animais no ensino de ciências: uma revisão da literatura
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Ferreira, Yuri Otero
Louro, Mônica Ponz
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O ser humano explora os recursos naturais há anos, e os recursos animais não são diferentes. Muitas áreas de ciências e da saúde utilizam animais vivos para vários experimentos, desde estudos científicos até aulas práticas de laboratório. Entretanto, nos últimos anos o debate sobre a ética e o bem-estar animal vem se tornando cada vez mais prevalente, com escritores como Peter Singer e Tom Regan defendendo que os animais merecem as mesmas considerações éticas que os seres humanos. Esse movimento levou a criação de leis no mundo inteiro, e no Brasil, para assegurar os direitos dos animais, a fundação de comitês de ética para regulamentar as atividades das universidades e a criação de diversos métodos para a substituição dos animais na ciência e principalmente na educação. Mas mesmo com todas essas mudanças, como os profissionais das áreas de ciências e da saúde reagiram? E os alunos? E os novos métodos são tão eficazes quanto os tradicionais? O presente trabalho realiza uma revisão da literatura sobre o uso de animais em aulas práticas, observando principalmente a eficácia dos métodos alternativos, a ações tomadas por universidades e a opinião de alunos e professores sobre o tema. Foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico por meio de recursos digitais, procurando pelos trabalhos mais relevantes sobre o tema. Com base nos trabalhos encontrados, é possível concluir que os métodos alternativos são tão eficazes quanto os tradicionais, apresentando mais benefícios além da redução do sofrimento animal. Também foi possível concluir que muitos alunos e professores não sabem da existência destes métodos, contudo os comitês de ética de diversas universidades estão trabalhando para divulgar esses métodos e a importância da ética animal.
Human beings have been exploring natural resources for years, and animal resources are no different. Many areas of science and health use live animals for various experiments, from scientific studies to practical laboratory classes. However, in recent years the debate on ethics and animal welfare has become increasingly prevalent, with writers like Peter Singer and Tom Regan arguing that animals deserve the same ethical considerations as humans. This movement led to the creation of laws all over the world, and in Brazil, to ensure the rights of animals, the foundation of ethics committees to regulate the activities of universities and the creation of several methods for the replacement of animals in science and especially in education. But even with all these changes, how did science and health professionals react? And the students? And are the new methods as effective as the traditional ones? This paper reviews the literature on the use of animals in practical classes, mainly observing the effectiveness of alternative methods, the actions taken by universities and the opinion of students and teachers on the subject. A bibliographic survey was conducted using digital resources, looking for the most relevant works on the topic. Based on the studies found, it is possible to conclude that alternative methods are as effective as traditional ones, with more benefits than reducing animal suffering. It was also possible to conclude that many students and teachers are unaware of the existence of these methods, however the ethics committees of several universities are working to publicize these methods and the importance of animal ethics.
Human beings have been exploring natural resources for years, and animal resources are no different. Many areas of science and health use live animals for various experiments, from scientific studies to practical laboratory classes. However, in recent years the debate on ethics and animal welfare has become increasingly prevalent, with writers like Peter Singer and Tom Regan arguing that animals deserve the same ethical considerations as humans. This movement led to the creation of laws all over the world, and in Brazil, to ensure the rights of animals, the foundation of ethics committees to regulate the activities of universities and the creation of several methods for the replacement of animals in science and especially in education. But even with all these changes, how did science and health professionals react? And the students? And are the new methods as effective as the traditional ones? This paper reviews the literature on the use of animals in practical classes, mainly observing the effectiveness of alternative methods, the actions taken by universities and the opinion of students and teachers on the subject. A bibliographic survey was conducted using digital resources, looking for the most relevant works on the topic. Based on the studies found, it is possible to conclude that alternative methods are as effective as traditional ones, with more benefits than reducing animal suffering. It was also possible to conclude that many students and teachers are unaware of the existence of these methods, however the ethics committees of several universities are working to publicize these methods and the importance of animal ethics.
aula prática , uso de animais , ensino de ciências , ensino de medicina , ética animal , practical class , use of animals , science teaching , medical teaching , animal ethics