A educação sensorial da criança no método Montessori
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Melo, Maiara Hubner de
Ambrogi, Ingrid Hötte
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A presente pesquisa foi realizada em uma escola particular Montessoriana, localizada no extremo sul de São Paulo. O desenvolvimento do trabalho foi traçado por uma investigação qualitativa, pois busca compreender o contexto da prática realizada nesta escola, sua articulação com seus princípios teóricos e em decorrência a análise dos dados coletados. Tem por objeto central a educação montessoriana sob o enfoque do desenvolvimento sensorial da criança, tendo por eixo condutor as apropriações desses princípios teóricos na atualidade. As principais bases teóricas são de autoria de Maria Montessori, em seus livros A Pedagogia Científica (1965), A Criança (1970) e A mente absorvente (1971) e autores que auxiliam compreender esse legado, como Rosa (2017), Salomão (2018) e Araújo; Avanzini; De Araújo (2005). A pesquisa percorreu questões sobre a trajetória de Maria Montessori, sua biografia no capítulo um, dando sequência é apresentado nos capítulos dois as questões fundamentais que dão o alicerce teórico e compreendem as concepções do método Montessori; a educação pelos sentidos, prossegue tratando o desenvolvimento da criança, abordado de acordo com esses princípios. Ainda no capítulo dois é apresentado alguns materiais criados por Maria Montessori, cujo possibilita o desenvolvimento sensorial e cognitivo da criança. Dando sequência, é abordado o papel da educadora montessoriana, acrescentamos ao estudo dados sobre o funcionamento de cada sistema sensorial, para se ter maior aprofundamento da relação ao método em função do sistema biológico humano. Para o elaboração da análise foi feita a observação durante dez dias na escola particular de educação infantil que utiliza o método Montessori. Foi utilizado como instrumentos de registro da observação um caderno de campo. Buscou-se analisar a prática pedagógica a partir da observação de três grupos de crianças com idades entre 3 a 5 anos que utilizavam os materiais montessorianos e algumas adaptações de materiais criados pelas professoras. Nesse processo de coleta de dados por observação, cada atividade focava o desenvolvimento da criança através de um órgão sensorial. Para expor os dados utilizou-se a descrição por episódios, em que duas crianças são observadas utilizando o mesmo material. Finalizamos a pesquisa com a comprovação da validade do método Montessori na atualidade, embora com ressalvas a algumas transgressões nos princípios reguladores do método, compreende-se que pode haver experimentações, no entanto não poderiam romper com a estrutura do método.
The present research was carried out in a private Montessorian school, located in the extreme south of São Paulo. The development of the work was traced by a qualitative research, as it seeks to understand the context of the practice carried out in this school, its articulation with its theoretical principles and as a result of the analysis of the data collected. Its main purpose is the Montessori education under the sensorial development of the child, with the guiding axis being the appropriation of these theoretical principles today. The main theoretical bases are Maria Montessori, in her books The Scientific Pedagogy (1965), The Child (1970) and The absorbing mind (1971) and authors who help to understand this legacy, such as Rosa (2017), Salomão (2018) and Araújo; Avanzini; De Araújo (2005). The research covered questions about the trajectory of Maria Montessori, her biography in chapter one, sequencing is presented in chapters two the fundamental questions that give the theoretical foundation and understand the conceptions of the Montessori method; the education by the senses, continues treating the development of the child, approached according to these principles. In chapter two is presented some materials created by Maria Montessori, which enables the sensory and cognitive development of the child. Following up, the role of the Montessori educator is addressed, we add to the study data on the functioning of each sensory system, in order to have a deeper understanding of the method as a function of the human biological system. For the elaboration of the analysis was made the observation during ten days in the private school of infantile education that uses the Montessori method. A field notebook was used as recording instruments of the observation. The aim was to analyze the pedagogical practice based on the observation of three groups of children aged 3 to 5 years who used the Montessorian materials and some adaptations of materials created by the teachers. In this process of data collection by observation, each activity focused on the child's development through a sensory organ. To describe the data, we used episode description, in which two children are observed using the same material. We conclude the research with the validity of the Montessori method today, although with some exceptions to the principles governing the method, it is understood that there may be experiments, but could not break with the structure of the method.
The present research was carried out in a private Montessorian school, located in the extreme south of São Paulo. The development of the work was traced by a qualitative research, as it seeks to understand the context of the practice carried out in this school, its articulation with its theoretical principles and as a result of the analysis of the data collected. Its main purpose is the Montessori education under the sensorial development of the child, with the guiding axis being the appropriation of these theoretical principles today. The main theoretical bases are Maria Montessori, in her books The Scientific Pedagogy (1965), The Child (1970) and The absorbing mind (1971) and authors who help to understand this legacy, such as Rosa (2017), Salomão (2018) and Araújo; Avanzini; De Araújo (2005). The research covered questions about the trajectory of Maria Montessori, her biography in chapter one, sequencing is presented in chapters two the fundamental questions that give the theoretical foundation and understand the conceptions of the Montessori method; the education by the senses, continues treating the development of the child, approached according to these principles. In chapter two is presented some materials created by Maria Montessori, which enables the sensory and cognitive development of the child. Following up, the role of the Montessori educator is addressed, we add to the study data on the functioning of each sensory system, in order to have a deeper understanding of the method as a function of the human biological system. For the elaboration of the analysis was made the observation during ten days in the private school of infantile education that uses the Montessori method. A field notebook was used as recording instruments of the observation. The aim was to analyze the pedagogical practice based on the observation of three groups of children aged 3 to 5 years who used the Montessorian materials and some adaptations of materials created by the teachers. In this process of data collection by observation, each activity focused on the child's development through a sensory organ. To describe the data, we used episode description, in which two children are observed using the same material. We conclude the research with the validity of the Montessori method today, although with some exceptions to the principles governing the method, it is understood that there may be experiments, but could not break with the structure of the method.
educação sensorial , método Montessori , Maria Montessori , a criança , práticas pedagógicas , sensorial education , Montessori method , Maria Montessori , the child , pedagogical practices