A leitura das Tragédias Gregas enquanto recurso pedagógico para a vida no ensino de Filosofia
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Santos , Luciana Carmo dos
Rezende , Angela Zamora Cilento de
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Nossa proposta objetiva o pensar da leitura da tragédia grega enquanto recurso pedagógico para a vida
no ensino de Filosofia. Seu potencial estético pedagógico expresso pela catarse se encontra legitimado pelo
estagirita em sua obra A Poética, nela, Aristóteles ressalta a função educadora da tragédia, discorre sobre os
elementos que a compõem, criando categorias de análise que prevaleceram durante séculos. Segundo sua
concepção. Tragédia do grego τραγῳδία (τράγος - tragos significa "bode" e ᾠδή – ode significa "canto")
articulado como canto do bode ou canto para o bode, remetendo aos ditirambos, canções dedicadas ao deus
Dionísio, deus da metamorphosis, deus da transformação, deus do êxtase e do entusiasmo onde em seus cultos
cânticos eram entoados mediantes encenações a qual chamaremos de Drama Satírico uma vez que as personagens
que compunham o coro se fantasiavam de sátiros, os eternos companheiros de Dionísio. A relevância das tragédias
no ensino de filosofia se dá pela perspectiva transformadora proporcionada pela catarse, uma vez que as tragédias
gregas engendram arquétipos de vivências humanas e permitem através da imagética a deliberação. Por seu turno,
Nietzsche entende que a vida em sua imprevisibilidade e caoticidade, tem na tragédia sua maior expressão. Em A
Origem da Tragédia apresenta duas novas categorias: apolínea e dionisíaca, reinterpretando-a. No nosso
entendimento, o estudo sobre as tragédias no ensino médio possibilita a articulação entre a abstração dos conceitos
filosóficos com a vivência cotidiana, posto que segundo o filosofo alemão Nietzsche “A tragédia é um hino de
louvor a vida em suas manifestações ébrias de instinto e emoção bem como um tônico de vontade de viver”,
afastando o niilismo e agrega um elemento especial, o fortalecimento do homem para enfrentar as vicissitudes da
ABSTRACT: Our proposal aims at thinking about the reading of Greek tragedy as a pedagogical resource for life in the teaching of Philosophy. Its pedagogical aesthetic potential expressed by catharsis is legitimized by Aristotle in his work The Poetics, in which the Stagirite highlights the educational function of tragedy, and discusses the elements that compose it, creating categories of analysis that prevailed for centuries according to his design. The word tragedy, from the Greek τραγῳδία (τράγος - tragos means "goat" and ᾠδή - ode means "song"), articulated as a goat song or a song for the goat, referring to the dithyrambs, songs dedicated to the god Dionysus, god of metamorphosis, god of transformation, god of ecstasy, and enthusiasm where, in his cults, chants were sung through stagings which we will call Satyr Drama since the characters that made up the choir dressed up as satyrs, the eternal companions of Dionysus. The relevance of tragedies in the teaching of Philosophy is due to the transformative perspective provided by catharsis since Greek tragedies engender archetypes of human experiences and allow deliberation through imagery. For his part, Nietzsche understands that life in its unpredictability and chaoticity has its greatest expression in tragedy. In The Origin of Tragedy, he presents two new categories: Apollonian and Dionysian, reinterpreting them. In our understanding, the study of tragedies in high school enables the articulation between the abstraction of philosophical concepts with everyday life, since, according to the German philosopher Nietzsche, “Tragedy is a hymn of praise to life in its drunken manifestations of instinct and emotion as well as a tonic of the will to live”, removing nihilism and adding a special element, the strengthening of man to face the vicissitudes of life.
ABSTRACT: Our proposal aims at thinking about the reading of Greek tragedy as a pedagogical resource for life in the teaching of Philosophy. Its pedagogical aesthetic potential expressed by catharsis is legitimized by Aristotle in his work The Poetics, in which the Stagirite highlights the educational function of tragedy, and discusses the elements that compose it, creating categories of analysis that prevailed for centuries according to his design. The word tragedy, from the Greek τραγῳδία (τράγος - tragos means "goat" and ᾠδή - ode means "song"), articulated as a goat song or a song for the goat, referring to the dithyrambs, songs dedicated to the god Dionysus, god of metamorphosis, god of transformation, god of ecstasy, and enthusiasm where, in his cults, chants were sung through stagings which we will call Satyr Drama since the characters that made up the choir dressed up as satyrs, the eternal companions of Dionysus. The relevance of tragedies in the teaching of Philosophy is due to the transformative perspective provided by catharsis since Greek tragedies engender archetypes of human experiences and allow deliberation through imagery. For his part, Nietzsche understands that life in its unpredictability and chaoticity has its greatest expression in tragedy. In The Origin of Tragedy, he presents two new categories: Apollonian and Dionysian, reinterpreting them. In our understanding, the study of tragedies in high school enables the articulation between the abstraction of philosophical concepts with everyday life, since, according to the German philosopher Nietzsche, “Tragedy is a hymn of praise to life in its drunken manifestations of instinct and emotion as well as a tonic of the will to live”, removing nihilism and adding a special element, the strengthening of man to face the vicissitudes of life.
Tragédia Grega , catarse , Ensino de Filosofia , recurso pedagógico , Greek tragedy , catharsis , philosophy teaching , pedagogical resource