Pensamento sistêmico: explicações de professores da educação básica para situação problema em fisiologia
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Donegá, Letícia Gomes
Pechliye, Magda Medhat
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Na prática pedagógica, o modo de ensino e de aprendizagem está inseparavelmente vinculado à concepção de ensino e de conhecimento do professor. A educação é muito marcada pela abordagem tradicional que a domina, sendo desencadeadora de fragmentação e descontextualização do ensino. Uma maneira de se opor à essas práticas educacionais é por meio da mudança de concepção. Uma alternativa é o pensamento sistêmico. Caracterizado por ser contextual e favorecer a visão da totalidade, é uma alternativa para a melhoria da educação. Em vista disto, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisar e interpretar características da complexidade nas propostas dos professores para uma situação problema em fisiologia. Para a coleta de dados, aplicou-se uma situação-problema de fisiologia à um grupo de professores. Com os dados registrados, a análise se baseou na caracterização de trechos das respostas. Foram usadas três conjuntos de características: Multidisciplinaridade Inerente (MI), Trajetória (T) e Não-isolamento (NI). Os principais resultados foram a caracterização de dois trechos apresentando MI, T e NI, a maioria dos trechos apresentaram MI e NI e apenas um com a combinação T e NI. Acredita-se que a contribuição principal deste trabalho vem com o método de caracterização. Este tenta se aproximar da teoria, priorizando a coerência de uma análise que considera o todo. A importância de identificar trechos com características sistêmicas nas falas dos professores, é entender que essa visão de mundo não está fora de nosso alcance, sendo assim, é possível incorporar esse pensamento mais amplo nas práticas escolares como veículo de aprendizagem e construção do conhecimento.
In pedagogical practice, the mode of teaching and learning is deeply linked to the teacher's conception of teaching and knowledge. Education is commonly taught by the traditional approach that dominates it, resulting in fragmentation and decontextualization of teaching. One way to oppose these educational practices is through a change in conception. An alternative to it is systemic thinking. Characterized by being contextual and favoring the vision of wholeness, being an alternative for the possible improvement of education. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to analyze and interpret the characteristics of complexity in teachers proposals for a problem situation about physiology. For data collection, a problem situation of physiology was applied to a group of teachers. Upon having the recorded data, an analysis was made based on the characterization of excerpts of the answers. Three sets of characteristics were used: Inherent Multidisciplinarity (MI), Trajectory (T) and Non-isolation (NI). The main results characterize two sections presenting MI, T and NI and the other sections presented MI and NI. It is believed that the main contribution of this work comes with the characterization method. This one tries to approach the theory, prioritizing the coherence of an analysis that considers the whole. The importance of identifying excerpts with systemic characteristics in the teachers speech is to understand that this worldview is not beyond our reach, thus, it is possible to incorporate this broader thinking in school practices as a vehicle for learning and knowledge construction.
In pedagogical practice, the mode of teaching and learning is deeply linked to the teacher's conception of teaching and knowledge. Education is commonly taught by the traditional approach that dominates it, resulting in fragmentation and decontextualization of teaching. One way to oppose these educational practices is through a change in conception. An alternative to it is systemic thinking. Characterized by being contextual and favoring the vision of wholeness, being an alternative for the possible improvement of education. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to analyze and interpret the characteristics of complexity in teachers proposals for a problem situation about physiology. For data collection, a problem situation of physiology was applied to a group of teachers. Upon having the recorded data, an analysis was made based on the characterization of excerpts of the answers. Three sets of characteristics were used: Inherent Multidisciplinarity (MI), Trajectory (T) and Non-isolation (NI). The main results characterize two sections presenting MI, T and NI and the other sections presented MI and NI. It is believed that the main contribution of this work comes with the characterization method. This one tries to approach the theory, prioritizing the coherence of an analysis that considers the whole. The importance of identifying excerpts with systemic characteristics in the teachers speech is to understand that this worldview is not beyond our reach, thus, it is possible to incorporate this broader thinking in school practices as a vehicle for learning and knowledge construction.
visão sistêmica , educação , concepção , ensino de fisiologia , contextualização do ensino , systemic vision , education , conception , physiology teaching , contextualization of teaching