Efeitos da fluoxetina nas propriedades físicas do leite de ratas lactantes e sua influência no desenvolvimento da prole
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Féba, Laís Stephano
Camargo, Esther Lopes Ricci Adari
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A fluoxetina é um antidepressivo da classe dos inibidores seletivos da recaptação da serotonina (ISRSs), cujo mecanismo de ação se baseia no bloqueio da recaptação deste neurotransmissor pelos seus transportadores localizados nos receptores présinápticos, provocando aumento da concentração da serotonina na fenda sináptica. A fluoxetina é amplamente utilizada para o tratamento de depressão pós-parto, doença muito comum que compromete a saúde física e mental da mãe e do bebê, sempre que os benefícios de seu uso justificarem seus riscos. Embora esse medicamento seja capaz de atravessar a barreira placentária e ser excretado no leite materno, há escassez de informações acerca de seus efeitos nas propriedades do leite, bem como no desenvolvimento do recém-nascido, a curto e longo prazo. Sendo assim, esse trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos do tratamento com fluoxetina nas propriedades físicas do leite de ratas lactantes e no desenvolvimento físico e neurocomportamental de suas proles. Para isso, foram realizados dois experimentos: 1) nas mães foi feito o acompanhamento do ganho de peso e a análise de parâmetros físicos do leite; 2) na prole foi feita a avaliação do desenvolvimento físico e neurocomportamental. Os resultados do primeiro experimento indicam que a fluoxetina foi capaz de diminuir tanto o peso das ratas quanto o volume de leite produzido por elas de forma dose-dependente. Os resultados do segundo experimento mostram que a exposição indireta a fluoxetina causou diminuição do peso e do comprimento dos filhotes, tanto machos quanto fêmeas, durante a lactação. Entretanto esses animais foram capazes de suprir o atraso no ganho de peso e no comprimento durante a infância. Em relação a avaliação do desenvolvimento físico e neurocomportamental, os resultados mostraram que a fluoxetina não alterou os demais parâmetros do desenvolvimento físico e neurocomportamental. Esses dados em conjuntos indicam que a exposição a fluoxetina durante o período lactacional impacta tanto as mães quanto os filhotes, através de alterações no peso das mães, no leite e no desenvolvimento da prole.
Fluoxetine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRIs) antidepressant, which its mechanism of action is based on the blockage of serotonin reuptake by its transporters, that are located in the presynaptic receptors, causing an increase in the serotonin concentration in the synaptic cleft. Fluoxetine is widely used in the treatment of postpartum depression, a very common disease that compromises the physical and mental health of both mother and baby, whenever the benefits of its use justify the risks. Even though this drug is able pass through the placental barrier and be excreted in breast milk, there is little information about its effects on the properties of milk, as well as on the development of the newborn, in short and long term. Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate the effects of fluoxetine treatment on the physical properties of rat’s breast milk and on the physical and neurobehavioral development of their offspring. Thus, two experiments were carried out: 1) dam’s weight gain was monitored and the physical parameters of the milk were analyzed; 2) offspring’s physical and neurobehavioral development evaluation was carried out. The results of the first experiment indicate that fluoxetine was able to decrease both the body weight of dams and the volume of milk produced by them in a dose-dependent manner. The results of the second experiment show that the indirect exposure of fluoxetine reduced the body weight and length of the offspring, both males and females, during lactation. However, these animals were able to make up for the delay in body weight and length gain during childhood. Regarding the evaluation of physical and neurobehavioral development, the results showed that fluoxetine did not change the other parameters of physical and neurobehavioral development. These data combined indicate that exposure to fluoxetine during the lactational period impacts both dams and offspring, through changes in dam body weight, milk volume, and offspring development.
Fluoxetine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRIs) antidepressant, which its mechanism of action is based on the blockage of serotonin reuptake by its transporters, that are located in the presynaptic receptors, causing an increase in the serotonin concentration in the synaptic cleft. Fluoxetine is widely used in the treatment of postpartum depression, a very common disease that compromises the physical and mental health of both mother and baby, whenever the benefits of its use justify the risks. Even though this drug is able pass through the placental barrier and be excreted in breast milk, there is little information about its effects on the properties of milk, as well as on the development of the newborn, in short and long term. Therefore, this work aimed to evaluate the effects of fluoxetine treatment on the physical properties of rat’s breast milk and on the physical and neurobehavioral development of their offspring. Thus, two experiments were carried out: 1) dam’s weight gain was monitored and the physical parameters of the milk were analyzed; 2) offspring’s physical and neurobehavioral development evaluation was carried out. The results of the first experiment indicate that fluoxetine was able to decrease both the body weight of dams and the volume of milk produced by them in a dose-dependent manner. The results of the second experiment show that the indirect exposure of fluoxetine reduced the body weight and length of the offspring, both males and females, during lactation. However, these animals were able to make up for the delay in body weight and length gain during childhood. Regarding the evaluation of physical and neurobehavioral development, the results showed that fluoxetine did not change the other parameters of physical and neurobehavioral development. These data combined indicate that exposure to fluoxetine during the lactational period impacts both dams and offspring, through changes in dam body weight, milk volume, and offspring development.
ISRSs , depressão pós-parto , modelo animal , lactação , desenvolvimento neurocomportamental , SSRIs , postpartum depression , animal model , lactation , neurobehavioral development