A importância do uso de embalagens ativas e inteligentes na redução de impactos ambientais
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Momesso, Victor Montagnoli
Ribeiro, Miriam Oliveira
Momesso, Alexandre Panov
Momesso, Alexandre Panov
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O uso de embalagens na indústria alimentar desempenha um papel crucial na segurança e durabilidade dos alimentos, transmitindo informações ao consumidor e fortalecendo identidade de marca. Contudo, há uma crescente preocupação ambiental com o descarte inadequado dessas embalagens que pode gerar impactos no meio ambiente, especialmente quando não são biodegradáveis. Embora embalagens tradicionais garantam a segurança alimentar, não evitam o desperdício, especialmente de alimentos perecíveis, contribuindo para a poluição ambiental. No entanto, as embalagens podem ser aliadas na redução do desperdício, proporcionando estabilidade e prolongando a vida dos alimentos. O desperdício global de alimentos não apenas afeta a economia, mas também contribui para a emissão de gases de efeito estufa e a escassez de recursos naturais. Diante desse cenário, a adoção de embalagens ativas e inteligentes emerge como uma estratégia eficaz para mitigar o impacto ambiental, reduzir o desperdício e alinhar-se aos princípios do ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), tornando-se uma ferramenta essencial no contexto da sustentabilidade ligada aos alimentos. Sendo que Embalagens Ativa são as embalagens as quais possuem interação direta com o produto, alterando a qualidade do produto; diferentemente das Inteligentes, são sinalizadoras de qualidade do produto. Assim, o presente trabalho teve o objetivo conceituar o ESG, aplicados na área de alimentos e descrição de embalagens ativas e inteligentes, além de demonstrar sua aplicabilidade nas políticas do ESG. A partir dos dados da literatura obtidos, podemos concluir que existem problemas centrais circundando cada área do ESG, como o desperdício de recursos hídricos na área ambiental, o desperdício de alimentos ligado às questões sociais e o preço dos produtos e deficiências econômicas na área de varejo e serviços alimentares. Assim, as embalagens ativas e inteligentes conseguem melhorar esse cenário da política do ESG, pois são embalagens biodegradáveis e que interagem física e quimicamente com o produto sinalizando a qualidade e integridade do produto.
The use of packaging in the food industry plays a crucial role in the safety and durability of food, conveying information to consumers, and strengthening brand identity. However, there is a growing environmental concern about the improper disposal of these packages that can have impacts on the environment, especially when they are not biodegradable. While traditional packaging ensures food safety, it does not prevent waste, especially of perishable foods, contributing to environmental pollution. Nevertheless, packaging can be an ally in waste reduction, providing stability and extending the shelf life of food. Global food waste not only affects the economy but also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and the depletion of natural resources. In the face of this scenario, the adoption of active and intelligent packaging emerges as an effective strategy to mitigate environmental impact, reduce waste, and align with ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles, becoming an essential tool in the context of sustainability related to food.Active packaging directly interacts with the product, altering its quality, unlike intelligent packaging, which signals the product's quality. Thus, this study aimed to conceptualize ESG applied to the food sector, describe active and intelligent packaging, and demonstrate their applicability in ESG policies. Based on the literature data obtained, we can conclude that there are central issues surrounding each ESG area, such as water resource waste in the environmental field, food waste linked to social issues, and product prices and economic deficiencies in the retail and food services sector. Therefore, active and intelligent packaging can improve this ESG policy scenario as they are biodegradable packages that physically and chemically interact with the product, signaling its quality and integrity.
The use of packaging in the food industry plays a crucial role in the safety and durability of food, conveying information to consumers, and strengthening brand identity. However, there is a growing environmental concern about the improper disposal of these packages that can have impacts on the environment, especially when they are not biodegradable. While traditional packaging ensures food safety, it does not prevent waste, especially of perishable foods, contributing to environmental pollution. Nevertheless, packaging can be an ally in waste reduction, providing stability and extending the shelf life of food. Global food waste not only affects the economy but also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and the depletion of natural resources. In the face of this scenario, the adoption of active and intelligent packaging emerges as an effective strategy to mitigate environmental impact, reduce waste, and align with ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles, becoming an essential tool in the context of sustainability related to food.Active packaging directly interacts with the product, altering its quality, unlike intelligent packaging, which signals the product's quality. Thus, this study aimed to conceptualize ESG applied to the food sector, describe active and intelligent packaging, and demonstrate their applicability in ESG policies. Based on the literature data obtained, we can conclude that there are central issues surrounding each ESG area, such as water resource waste in the environmental field, food waste linked to social issues, and product prices and economic deficiencies in the retail and food services sector. Therefore, active and intelligent packaging can improve this ESG policy scenario as they are biodegradable packages that physically and chemically interact with the product, signaling its quality and integrity.
ESG , pegada hídrica e desperdício de alimentos , embalagens absorventes , water footprint , food waste , absorbent packaging