Degradação da biodiversidade oceânica provocada pela pesca de arrasto industrial
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Takamori, Fernando Oliveira
Dall'Occo, Paola Lupianhes
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Nos dias atuais, a conservação dos oceanos e a sustentabilidade das atividades pesqueiras despertam uma crescente preocupação global. A busca por métodos alternativos de pesca e a otimização das técnicas tradicionais desempenham um papel crucial na consecução desses objetivos. Estudos que investigam os impactos ambientais e biológicos das pescarias e seus equipamentos são de extrema relevância nesse contexto. A pesca de arrasto, notória por seu alto potencial de degradação ambiental e impactos na biodiversidade, bem como pela subutilização dos recursos capturados, emerge como um ponto focal deste estudo. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo principal realizar uma revisão da literatura acadêmica disponível, analisando o aproveitamento e os impactos associados a essa prática, além de explorar alternativas viáveis que visem à preservação do ambiente marinho, da biodiversidade e das atividades humanas em harmonia com os imperativos climáticos. Houve um grande consenso entre autores sobre os danos provenientes do arrasto, como a grande taxa de pesca acessória e mortalidade dos peixes devolvidos, destruição do fundo marinho e morte de animais pelágicos, danos a estruturas que servem de abrigo e locais de reprodução, ressuspensão de materiais químicos e sedimentos e danos auditivos a mamíferos e peixes. Juntamente com o conhecimento do baixo rendimento, alto desperdício e a ocorrência da sobrepesca nas áreas de arrasto, esta pesquisa visou apontar as grandes desvantagens dessa arte de pesca e oferecer meios de mitigar suas problemáticas, como a criação de regulamentos, expansão de sistema de monitoramento por satélite, implementação de auditorias e planos de gestão, melhora da seletividade, proibições e zoneamentos.
In present days, the conservation of oceans and the sustainability of fishing activities raise a growing global concern. The pursuit of alternative fishing methods and the optimization of traditional techniques play a crucial role in achieving these goals. Studies investigating the environmental and biological impacts of fisheries and their equipment are of utmost importance in this context. Trawling, notorious for its high potential for environmental degradation and impacts on biodiversity, as well as the underutilization of captured resources, emerges as a focal point of this study. This research aimed primarily to conduct a comprehensive review of the available academic literature, analyzing the exploitation and impacts associated with this practice, as well as exploring viable alternatives aimed at preserving the marine environment, biodiversity, and human activities in harmony with climate imperatives. There was a broad consensus among authors regarding the damages arising from trawling, such as the high rate of bycatch and mortality of discarded fish, destruction of the seabed, and death of pelagic animals, damage to structures serving as shelter and breeding grounds, resuspension of chemicals and sediments, and auditory damage to mammals and fish. Along with the awareness of low yield, high wastage, and the occurrence of overfishing in trawling areas, this research aimed to highlight the significant disadvantages of this fishing method and offer means to mitigate its issues, such as the creation of regulations, expansion of satellite monitoring systems, implementation of audits and management plans, improvement of selectivity, prohibitions, and zoning.
In present days, the conservation of oceans and the sustainability of fishing activities raise a growing global concern. The pursuit of alternative fishing methods and the optimization of traditional techniques play a crucial role in achieving these goals. Studies investigating the environmental and biological impacts of fisheries and their equipment are of utmost importance in this context. Trawling, notorious for its high potential for environmental degradation and impacts on biodiversity, as well as the underutilization of captured resources, emerges as a focal point of this study. This research aimed primarily to conduct a comprehensive review of the available academic literature, analyzing the exploitation and impacts associated with this practice, as well as exploring viable alternatives aimed at preserving the marine environment, biodiversity, and human activities in harmony with climate imperatives. There was a broad consensus among authors regarding the damages arising from trawling, such as the high rate of bycatch and mortality of discarded fish, destruction of the seabed, and death of pelagic animals, damage to structures serving as shelter and breeding grounds, resuspension of chemicals and sediments, and auditory damage to mammals and fish. Along with the awareness of low yield, high wastage, and the occurrence of overfishing in trawling areas, this research aimed to highlight the significant disadvantages of this fishing method and offer means to mitigate its issues, such as the creation of regulations, expansion of satellite monitoring systems, implementation of audits and management plans, improvement of selectivity, prohibitions, and zoning.
impactos ambientais , pesca de arrasto industrial , métodos alternativos , impactos na biodiversidade , sustentabilidade , environmental impacts , industrial trawl fishing , alternative methods , biodiversity impacts , sustainability