Educação ambientam na gestão de resíduos do bairro de Riviera, Bertioga - SP
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Costa, Cauê Parziale Rodrigues da
Dall'Occo, Paola Lupianhes
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Este trabalho avaliou a influência da educação ambiental na gestão de resíduos sólidos urbanos no bairro de Riviera, Bertioga-SP, tendo como justificativa que os impactos do manejo inadequado desses resíduos sólidos urbanos no ambiente e na saúde são certeiros, demasiados e prejudiciais. Nesse contexto, o desafio que se apresenta é a transformação da sociedade sustentável, responsável pelo resíduo que produz e pelo seu gerenciamento adequado, com o objetivo de analisar o impacto das atividades de educação ambiental na região de Riviera por meio de análise de dados fornecidos de maneira pessoal pelo coordenador de gestão ambiental, senhor Paulo Velzi e examinar as respostas das pessoas habituadas a região por meio do questionário fornecido. Foram realizadas análises quantitativas e qualitativas, sendo, respectivamente: a quantidade de resíduos em locais indevidos como ruas, canais e vielas e o impacto dos programas de Educação Ambiental fornecidos pela Associação dos Amigos de Riviera em 2019. Nas avaliações utilizaram-se para a coleta de dados: relatórios sobre os dados da produção e encontro dos resíduos sólidos urbanos em locais indevidos, coletados entre 2017 e 2023 e entrevistas com 80 indivíduos. Pela análise dos dados obtidos, foi observada uma linearidade na produção de resíduos, entretanto uma diminuição acentuada encontrados em locais errados. Para as entrevistas, a totalidade dos participantes realizaram as atividades e sofreram transformações na maneira de gerir seus resíduos, contudo não constatou-se a participação da população com idade inferior a 24 anos, revelando uma pouca importância sobre a gestão de seus RSU e seu impacto no ambiente para essa faixa etária da população.
This work evaluated the influence of environmental education on the management of urban solid waste in the Riviera neighborhood, Bertioga-SP, with the justification that the impacts of inadequate management of this urban solid waste on the environment and health are certain, excessive and harmful. In this context, the challenge that arises is the transformation of a sustainable society, responsible for the waste it produces and its appropriate management, with the aim of analyzing the impact of environmental education activities in the Riviera region through analysis of data provided from in a personal way by the environmental management coordinator, Mr. Paulo Velzi, and examine the responses of people accustomed to the region through the questionnaire provided. Quantitative and qualitative analyses were carried out in this research, respectively: the amount of waste found in undue places such as streets, canals and alleys and the impact of the Environmental Education programs provided by the Association of Friends of Riviera in 2019. The evaluations used for data collection: Reports on data on the production and finding of solid urban waste in improper places, collected between 2017 and 2023, up to the month of October, and interviews with 80 individuals. Analysis of the data obtained showed that in the years prior to 2019 and after, there was a linearity in waste production, but a marked decrease in waste found in the wrong places. For the interviews, all the participants took part in the activities and there was a transformation in the way each interviewee manages their waste. However, there was no notable participation from people under the age of 24, revealing a lack of importance for this age group about the management of their MSW and its impact on the environment.
This work evaluated the influence of environmental education on the management of urban solid waste in the Riviera neighborhood, Bertioga-SP, with the justification that the impacts of inadequate management of this urban solid waste on the environment and health are certain, excessive and harmful. In this context, the challenge that arises is the transformation of a sustainable society, responsible for the waste it produces and its appropriate management, with the aim of analyzing the impact of environmental education activities in the Riviera region through analysis of data provided from in a personal way by the environmental management coordinator, Mr. Paulo Velzi, and examine the responses of people accustomed to the region through the questionnaire provided. Quantitative and qualitative analyses were carried out in this research, respectively: the amount of waste found in undue places such as streets, canals and alleys and the impact of the Environmental Education programs provided by the Association of Friends of Riviera in 2019. The evaluations used for data collection: Reports on data on the production and finding of solid urban waste in improper places, collected between 2017 and 2023, up to the month of October, and interviews with 80 individuals. Analysis of the data obtained showed that in the years prior to 2019 and after, there was a linearity in waste production, but a marked decrease in waste found in the wrong places. For the interviews, all the participants took part in the activities and there was a transformation in the way each interviewee manages their waste. However, there was no notable participation from people under the age of 24, revealing a lack of importance for this age group about the management of their MSW and its impact on the environment.
educação ambiental , gestão de resíduos sólidos , conscientização , educação não convencional , environmental education , waste management , awareness , not conventional education