Innovation and sustainability under the social dimension: Between speech and action - an empirical investigation in a produce company based in Sao Paulo, Brazil Inovação e a sustentabilidade sob a dimensão social: Do discurso à ação - um estudo empírico em uma empresa paulista do ramo frutífero

Data de publicação
Revista Brasileira de Gestao e Desenvolvimento Regional
Citações (Scopus)
Franklin M.A.
Barral J.G.
Da Silva L.R.
Pereira M.F.T.
Pianucci M.C.
Pinto B.O.C.
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Membros da banca
© 2016, Universidade de Taubate. All rights reserved.This article is part of a research project, developed with the grant of a research background, and is mainly aimed to study how a company’s fruitful branch implements innovative and sustainability actions. In order to answer the proposed question data was collected at Grupo Fava. The research was made at Grupo Fava, which is a Brazilian company, grower and supplier of bananas. This company is a familiar company and it is located at Jundiaí-SP and Miracatú-SP, this one located in Vale do Ribeira. The research is an exploratory nature and qualitative methods perspective. In order to analyze and interpret the data we used the content analysis perspective. To obtain data twelve interviews were conduced by semi-structured scripts by interviewing the owner of Grupo Fava, five managers, three employees and three business owners at the Vale do Ribeira area. Based on the semi-structured scripts the interviews were recorded and later transcribed for the analysis itself. The outcome has shown that Grupo Fava practices what they preach: the company innovates in its production processes in a sustainable way, considering the three dimensions of sustainability - environmental, economic and social, mainly.
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