Performance of GeantV em Physics Models

Artigo de evento
Data de publicação
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Citações (Scopus)
Amadio G.
Ananya A.
Apostolakis J.
Aurora A.
Bandieramonte M.
Bhattacharyya A.
Bianchini C.
Brun R.
Canal P.
Carminati F.
Cosmo G.
Duhem L.
Elvira D.
Folger G.
Gheata A.
Gheata M.
Goulas I.
Iope R.
Jun S.Y.
Lima G.
Mohanty A.
Nikitina T.
Novak M.
Pokorski W.
Ribon A.
Seghal R.
Shadura O.
Vallecorsa S.
Wenzel S.
Zhang Y.
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Membros da banca
© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The recent progress in parallel hardware architectures with deeper vector pipelines or many-cores technologies brings opportunities for HEP experiments to take advantage of SIMD and SIMT computing models. Launched in 2013, the GeantV project studies performance gains in propagating multiple particles in parallel, improving instruction throughput and data locality in HEP event simulation on modern parallel hardware architecture. Due to the complexity of geometry description and physics algorithms of a typical HEP application, performance analysis is indispensable in identifying factors limiting parallel execution. In this report, we will present design considerations and preliminary computing performance of GeantV physics models on coprocessors (Intel Xeon Phi and NVidia GPUs) as well as on mainstream CPUs.
Assuntos Scopus
Computing performance , Design considerations , Event simulation , Multiple particles , Parallel executions , Parallel hardware , Performance analysis , Performance Gain
DOI (Texto completo)