Broadcast-Broadband experience in ATSC 3.0: Proposal for gamification and complementary cameras

Artigo de evento
Data de publicação
2018 IEEE Broadcast Symposium, BTS 2018
Citações (Scopus)
Akamine C.
Martins R.
Vaz R.A.
Godoi A.
Maranhao Garcia De Oliveira G.H.
Rabaca R.S.
Rosario E Barros U.M.
Brancaccio R.
Ohata D.
Ribeiro J.R.
Diez C.
Soares J.R.
Pacola Alves L.G.
Del Nero F.P.
Ferraresso G.
Chaves L.
Notargiacomo P.
Título da Revista
ISSN da Revista
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Membros da banca
© 2018 IEEE.The project consists of the transmission of immersive audio, 4K UHDTV video with multi-camera gamijication-related applications using the ATSC 3.0 standard, being sent using a hybrid system, through the IBB concept and also with applications related to gamification with multi-cameras. To validate the performance of the proposed system, IBB application performance tests, signal quality and robustness using the ATSC 3.0 standard, as well as the interactivity obtained through the use of gamification techniques, educational methods, and visualization of events in multiple screens. These services are possible to be transmitted due to the flexibility of the ATSC 3.0, its transmission rate due to the LDM, its robustness derived from error correction codes and video compression, enabling the transmission of UHD videos.
Assuntos Scopus
Advanced television system committees , Application performance , Error correction codes , Gamification , Immersive audio , Integrated Broadcast-Broadband (IBB) , Transmission rates , Ultra high definitions
DOI (Texto completo)