Avaliação de Acessibilidade em um Curso Inclusivo para Deficientes Visuais
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CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Citações (Scopus)
da Silva Cruz M.S.
Eliseo M.A.
Eliseo M.A.
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© 2021 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).Learning digital platforms have become a means of supporting education, with the potential to cater to various forms of learning. This includes people with disability, contributing to inclusive education. Thus, this Final Term Paper (Undergraduate) studied and evaluated the main accessibility guidelines for visual impaired people related to digital learning platforms. As a case study, it evaluated the accessibility of a course created from the SELI digital platform, whose purpose is to help teachers create accessible teaching materials. For this verification, usability tests and an automatic accessibility evaluation were performed. The results showed that the accessible course for the visually impaired created with the help of the SELI platform still needs to consider some improvements to guarantee accessibility for this population fraction.
Assuntos Scopus
Accessibility guidelines , Case-studies , Digital platforms , Digital-learning , Impaired people , Inclusive education , Learning digital platform , Learning platform , People with disabilities , Teachers'