Cyberbullying: The state of the art on studies using psychometric instruments in Brazil

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Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI
Citações (Scopus)
Da Costa M.R.P.
Tomczyk L.
Teixeira M.C.T.V.
Martins V.F.
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© 2021 AISTI.Technologies have enabled the emergence of new forms of interaction, and with them there has been the emergence of violence in the digital space. Although aggression is an ancient phenomenon, this type of violence is a recent one and has aroused interest around the world thanks to its negative valence and its still comprehensive configuration. In this sense, the objective of this work is to provide a integrative literature review of empirical research related to the phenomenon of cyber violence, popularly known as cyberbullying. The aim of this study is to observe what has been produced and conceived in Brazil as such and consequently to track which are the instruments of clinical profile that evaluate this problem. In this way, 12 articles from the last 5 years (2015-2019) were found and analyzed. The results showed a certain lack with regard to the instrumentation of clinical evaluation on the theme, the importation of the paradigms that configure bullying from other countries, in addition to a wide variation in the conception of its profile, whether as a specific type of violence and which has its subtypes themselves or being a subtype of traditional bullying itself.
Assuntos Scopus
Brazil , Clinical evaluation , Cyber bullying , Digital space , Empirical research , Integrative literature review , Literature reviews , New forms , Psychometric instrument , State of the art