Analysis of the Teaching of Programming and Evaluation of Computational Thinking in Recently Admitted Students at a Public University in the Andean Region of Peru
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CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Citações (Scopus)
Paucar-Curasma R.
Silveira I.F.
Rondon D.
Robles Z.M.L.
Porras-Ccancce L.E.
Silveira I.F.
Rondon D.
Robles Z.M.L.
Porras-Ccancce L.E.
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© 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).This article analyzes the teaching of programming and computational thinking in students recently admitted at a public university in the Andes of Peru. For this, a survey was carried out on the previous teaching of programming concepts in the schools of origin of the students; also, the computational thinking of these students was evaluated by means of reagents corresponding to the skills of abstraction, decomposition, algorithmic design, generalization and evaluation. In the evaluation of computational thinking, more than 60% of students presented skills of decomposition, abstraction, algorithmic design and evaluation. These results reflect that the students evaluated have competencies in mathematical reasoning exercises that are similar to those required by the reagents used.
Assuntos Scopus
Algorithmic design , Andean Region , Computational thinkings , Design and evaluations , Generalisation , Programming , Programming concepts , Public universities , Skill , Teaching-of-programming