Importância da química experimental no ensino médico: um estudo sobre duas realidades educacionais
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Santos, Alicia Camacho
Souza, Aline Cordeiro
Cibella, Rafaela Zalli
Bozzo, Stella Bruno
Souza, Aline Cordeiro
Cibella, Rafaela Zalli
Bozzo, Stella Bruno
Lopes, Ana Lucia de Souza
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Este trabalho visa analisar a importância das práticas experimentais nas aulas de química para alunos
do ensino médio e como estas podem influenciar na aprendizagem significativa do discente. Foram
analisadas duas instituições de ensino, uma pública e uma privada, sendo que a escola pública possui
laboratório devidamente equipado, e uma escola privada que não possui laboratório e os experimentos
alternativos são aplicados em sala de aula. As autoras elaboraram quatro aulas experimentais para
serem aplicadas, duas em cada escola, e assim poder analisar através de questionários e diários de
bordo a percepção dos alunos e professores quanto a importância dos experimentos práticos em aulas
de química. Após a aplicação foi possível verificar que a visualização do conteúdo de forma prática
faz com que os alunos se engajem e declaram compreender melhor a matéria e se interessem mais
pelas aulas. O estudo revela, ainda, o desafio que o docente contemporâneo tem para a promoção de
aplicações experimentais regularmente que envolvem inúmeros fatores, inclusive o repensar a prática
docente. A experiência de residência pedagógica e estágios educacionais também se revelaram
importantes na troca de experiência entre alunos em formação e professores, como forma de
motivação e ruptura de estruturas tradicionais de ensino.
This paper aims to analyze the importance of experimental practices in chemistry classes for high school students and how they can influence the student's meaningful learning. Two educational institutions, one public and one private, were analyzed, and the public school has a properly equipped laboratory, and a private school that has no laboratory and alternative experiments are applied in the classroom. The authors designed four experimental classes to be applied, two in each school, so that they could analyze through questionnaires and logbooks the perception of students and teachers regarding the importance of practical experiments in chemistry classes. After the application it was possible to verify that the visualization of the content in a practical way makes the students engage and declare to understand the subject better and to be more interested in the classes. The study also reveals the challenge that contemporary teachers have for the promotion of experimental applications that regularly involve many factors, including rethinking teaching practice. The experience of pedagogical residency and educational internships also proved important in the exchange of experience between students and teachers, as a way of motivating and breaking traditional teaching structures.
This paper aims to analyze the importance of experimental practices in chemistry classes for high school students and how they can influence the student's meaningful learning. Two educational institutions, one public and one private, were analyzed, and the public school has a properly equipped laboratory, and a private school that has no laboratory and alternative experiments are applied in the classroom. The authors designed four experimental classes to be applied, two in each school, so that they could analyze through questionnaires and logbooks the perception of students and teachers regarding the importance of practical experiments in chemistry classes. After the application it was possible to verify that the visualization of the content in a practical way makes the students engage and declare to understand the subject better and to be more interested in the classes. The study also reveals the challenge that contemporary teachers have for the promotion of experimental applications that regularly involve many factors, including rethinking teaching practice. The experience of pedagogical residency and educational internships also proved important in the exchange of experience between students and teachers, as a way of motivating and breaking traditional teaching structures.
aprendizagem significativa , prática experimental , química , meaningful learning , experimental practice , chemistry