A utilização do bambu como material estrutural sustentável: projeto, execução e manutenção de andaimes na construção civil.
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Ferrari Iaquinta, Nicolas
Marques Macario, Victor
Marques Macario, Victor
Pappalardo Junior, Alfonso
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Neste artigo, estudou-se os ensaios mecânicos realizados em colmos de bambu, da
espécie Phyllostachys Pubescens, popularmente conhecido como bambu Mossô. Com esse
material, realizou-se um protótipo de andaime fachadeiro, para compreender o processo de
montagem e desmontagem.
Com os resultados dos ensaios mecânicos obtidos, observou-se uma resistência à
compressão de 60,1 MPa e uma resistência à tração de 114 MPa. Utilizou-se esses valores na
análise estrutural realizada por meio do programa SAP2000 com o Método dos Elementos
Finitos. Após análise à flambagem utilizando o fator de carga s=2 (coeficiente de segurança
à flambagem adotado), demonstrou ser possível empilhar 17 módulos com 52 metros de
altura, isto equivale a um edifício de 16 andares. Estes resultados demonstram como o bambu
é um material promissor para ser utilizado como material estrutural sustentável.
In this article, the mechanical tests carried out on bamboo stalks, of the Phyllostachys Pubescens species, popularly known as Mossô bamboo, were studied. With this material, we made a prototype of facade scaffolding, to understand the execution of the assembly and disassembly process.The results of the mechanical tests performed showed a characteristic compressive strength of 60.1 MPa, a characteristic tensile strength of 114 MPa. These values were used in the structural analysis performed using the SAP2000 program using the Finite Element Method. After analysis of buckling using the load factor s=2 (safety coefficient for buckling adopted), it demonstrated that it is possible to stack 17 modules with 52 meters in height, this is equivalent to a 16-story building. These results demonstrate how bamboo is a promising material to be used as a sustainable structural material.
In this article, the mechanical tests carried out on bamboo stalks, of the Phyllostachys Pubescens species, popularly known as Mossô bamboo, were studied. With this material, we made a prototype of facade scaffolding, to understand the execution of the assembly and disassembly process.The results of the mechanical tests performed showed a characteristic compressive strength of 60.1 MPa, a characteristic tensile strength of 114 MPa. These values were used in the structural analysis performed using the SAP2000 program using the Finite Element Method. After analysis of buckling using the load factor s=2 (safety coefficient for buckling adopted), it demonstrated that it is possible to stack 17 modules with 52 meters in height, this is equivalent to a 16-story building. These results demonstrate how bamboo is a promising material to be used as a sustainable structural material.
material estrutural sustentável , bambu , andaime , propriedades mecânicas , modelo de elementos finitos , sustainable structural material , bamboo , scaffolding , mechanical properties , finite element model