Análise de processos de erosão urbana: causas, medidas de prevenção e mitigação de impactos.
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Carvalho, Bianca Soares
Guardia, Gustavo Costa Agustinelli
Guardia, Leonardo de Oliveira
Guardia, Gustavo Costa Agustinelli
Guardia, Leonardo de Oliveira
Alonso Lazaro, Alberto
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A boçoroca (oriundo do tupi-guarani: ibi-çoroc, que significa terra rasgada) – também denominada como voçoroca – refere-se a um processo geológico, que se constitui através de uma erosão hídrica, ocasionada pela atuação de águas superficiais, ao mesmo tempo em que ocorrem os fluxos d’água subsuperficiais. O objetivo central do Artigo tem como finalidade abordar o conceito desse fenômeno, indicar as causas deste processo erosivo, além de apresentar medidas preventivas, bem como difundir as possíveis soluções corretivas para mitigação dos impactos gerados. Baseado em um estudo de caso, elaborado a partir do reconhecimento da boçoroca localizada no município de Ourinhos, Estado de São Paulo, o escopo deste projeto compatibilizou os levantamentos de dados obtidos através de imagens de satélite (Google Earth) e Modelo Digital de Terreno (MDT), além daqueles coletados nas visitas técnicas realizadas em campo, como o Sistema de Posicionamento Global (GPS) e inventário fotográfico. Com o intuito de propor a solução economicamente mais adequada à recomposição da área, de modo a incapacitar a geração de possíveis impactos ambientais inéditos, estabeleceu-se como medidas construtivas para realização do retaludamento, a aplicação de paliçadas de bambu, assim como a exclusão da movimentação de materiais.
The gully - also called “boçoroca” - refers to a geological process, which is formed by water erosion, determined by the action of surface waters, at the same time that subsurface water flows happen. The main objective of the article is to approach the concept of this phenomenon, to indicate the causes of this erosive process, to present prevention measures, as well as disseminate possible solutions of impact mitigation. Based on a case study made of the recognition of the gully located in the town of Ourinhos, State of São Paulo, the scope of this project combined the data collection from satellite images (Google Earth) and Digital Terrain Model (MDT), in addition to the data collected during technical visits in the field, as well as the Global Positioning System (GPS) and photographic inventory. In order to propose the most affordable solution to the recomposition of the area, in a way to disable possible unprecedented environmental impacts, it was established as constructive measures to the re-sloping, the application of bamboo palisades, as well as the exclusion of material movement.
The gully - also called “boçoroca” - refers to a geological process, which is formed by water erosion, determined by the action of surface waters, at the same time that subsurface water flows happen. The main objective of the article is to approach the concept of this phenomenon, to indicate the causes of this erosive process, to present prevention measures, as well as disseminate possible solutions of impact mitigation. Based on a case study made of the recognition of the gully located in the town of Ourinhos, State of São Paulo, the scope of this project combined the data collection from satellite images (Google Earth) and Digital Terrain Model (MDT), in addition to the data collected during technical visits in the field, as well as the Global Positioning System (GPS) and photographic inventory. In order to propose the most affordable solution to the recomposition of the area, in a way to disable possible unprecedented environmental impacts, it was established as constructive measures to the re-sloping, the application of bamboo palisades, as well as the exclusion of material movement.
boçoroca , erosão do solo , solução , gully , soil erosion , solution