Hélice contínua: um estudo de caso, com a comparação dos resultados de monitoração eletrônica com as características dos solos.
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Urenha Toscano, Gustavo
Hubeda, Matheus da Silva
Oliveira, Renan Henrique de
Hubeda, Matheus da Silva
Oliveira, Renan Henrique de
Lazaro, Alberto Alonso
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As estacas hélice contínua possuem uma adoção crescente pelo Brasil desde 1987, devido a isto diversos estudos foram realizados, e simultaneamente com o avanço tecnológico, resultou-se em um aperfeiçoamento da técnica e coleta dos dados, no intuito de estudar o comportamento dessas estacas. Esse artigo apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa experimental que relaciona a monitoração de 21 estacas com 3 sondagens executadas em uma obra localizada na cidade de São Paulo, com o objetivo de formular duas equações, uma para a sondagem e outra para a monitoração, que quando aplicados seus respectivos dados, ambas resultem em valores semelhantes. Através de dados empíricos obteve-se uma equação que correlaciona levemente a monitoração e sondagem, concluindo que não há uma ligação clara entre os estudos, devido a diversos fatores que podem alterar nos resultados dos dados.
The continuous flight auger has had a growing adoption in Brazil since 1987, due to several studies that were carried out, and simultaneously with the technological advance, it resulted in an improvement of the technique and data collection, in order to study the behavior of these piles. This article presents the results of an experimental research that relates the monitoring data of 21 piles with 3 soil investigations that carried out at a building located in the city of São Paulo, with the objective of formulating two equations, one for the soil investigation and other for the monitoring, which when using their respective data, both result in similar values. Through empirical data, an equation is obtained that slightly correlates monitoring and soil investigation, concluding that there is no clear link between the studies, due to several factors that can change the data results.
The continuous flight auger has had a growing adoption in Brazil since 1987, due to several studies that were carried out, and simultaneously with the technological advance, it resulted in an improvement of the technique and data collection, in order to study the behavior of these piles. This article presents the results of an experimental research that relates the monitoring data of 21 piles with 3 soil investigations that carried out at a building located in the city of São Paulo, with the objective of formulating two equations, one for the soil investigation and other for the monitoring, which when using their respective data, both result in similar values. Through empirical data, an equation is obtained that slightly correlates monitoring and soil investigation, concluding that there is no clear link between the studies, due to several factors that can change the data results.
estacas hélice contínua , sondagens , fundações , continous flight auger , soil investigation , foundations