Análise simplificada do potencial de DEF e fissuração térmica.
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Farinacio, Caio Farto
Real, Lígia
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Concreto massa se refere as estruturas as quais se devem realizar práticas para que sejam minimizados os riscos de formação de etringita tardia (DEF) e fissuração de origem térmica. O objetivo deste artigo foi desenvolver um método expedito, considerando geometria, tipo de cimento e classe de resistência do concreto, para identificar se é necessário realizar um estudo térmico de uma determinada estrutura de concreto. Ou seja, identificar, a partir das características da estrutura, se a peça pode ser considerada como sendo de concreto massa. Para a análise, foram realizadas simulações utilizando software de elementos finitos com geometrias variando suas dimensões de 0,5m até 3m e classes de resistência C30, C40 e C50. Foram realizadas correlações utilizando o módulo de superfície, a temperatura máxima atingida e a tensão principal máxima de cada modelo. Através das análises realizadas, foi possível prever o grau de risco de uma estrutura poder ser considerada ou não em concreto massa. Ainda, foi possível identificar que a massividade dos elementos não está somente relacionada a uma variável. Identificou-se que o bloco a partir de 1m³ pode ser considerado concreto massa, se a classe de resistência for C50 em condições específicas. Recomenda-se que essa análise seja realizada ainda em fase de projeto a fim de alertar os construtores e/ou elaborar alternativas para minimizar o risco.
Mass concrete refers to structures in which efforts must be made to minimize the risks of delayed ettringite formation (DEF) and thermal cracking. The research objective was to develop a fast method, considering geometry, cement type and concrete strength class, to identify when it is necessary to have a thermal study of a concrete structure. In other words, to identify, based on the characteristics of the structure, if it can be considered as being made of mass concrete. For the analysis, simulations were made using finite element software with geometries ranging from 0.5m to 3m, using strength class C30, C40 and C50. Correlations were made using the surface modulus, a maximum temperature reached and a maximum principal stress of each model. Through the analyzes, it was possible to predict the degree of risk of a structure being considered as a massive concrete or not. It was also possible to identify that the risk of being massive concrete is not related to a single variable. It was identified that the structure from 1m³ can be considered as a mass concrete structure, considering the C50 strength class under specific conditions. It is recommended that this analysis be made while still in the design phase to alert builders and/or design alternatives to minimize the risk.
Mass concrete refers to structures in which efforts must be made to minimize the risks of delayed ettringite formation (DEF) and thermal cracking. The research objective was to develop a fast method, considering geometry, cement type and concrete strength class, to identify when it is necessary to have a thermal study of a concrete structure. In other words, to identify, based on the characteristics of the structure, if it can be considered as being made of mass concrete. For the analysis, simulations were made using finite element software with geometries ranging from 0.5m to 3m, using strength class C30, C40 and C50. Correlations were made using the surface modulus, a maximum temperature reached and a maximum principal stress of each model. Through the analyzes, it was possible to predict the degree of risk of a structure being considered as a massive concrete or not. It was also possible to identify that the risk of being massive concrete is not related to a single variable. It was identified that the structure from 1m³ can be considered as a mass concrete structure, considering the C50 strength class under specific conditions. It is recommended that this analysis be made while still in the design phase to alert builders and/or design alternatives to minimize the risk.
concreto massa , etringita tardia , fissuração de origem térmica , mass concrete , delayed ettringite formation (DEF) , thermal cracking