Avaliação da argamassa autoadensável usinada para a execução de contrapisos
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Roseno, Iranilda Dantas
Freitas, Letícia Lóis Carlos de
Zaboroski, Silvia Letícia
Oliveira, Victor Paulo Rocha de
Freitas, Letícia Lóis Carlos de
Zaboroski, Silvia Letícia
Oliveira, Victor Paulo Rocha de
Beltrame, Fabiola Rago
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A combinação entre produtividade e otimização de recursos é o maior desejo dos canteiros de obras. E se tratando da execução de contrapisos, o método tradicional empregado nem sempre contribui para o andamento da obra. Para resolver essa situação, uma alternativa já utilizada em países como França e Espanha é a sua execução com argamassa autoadensável, um material bastante fluido, de alta resistência a segregação, que se auto nivela por sua capacidade de fluxo. Uma de suas principais vantagens é a possibilidade de ser bombeada verticalmente na obra, reduzindo o espaço para o armazenamento de cimento e areia e melhorando o fluxo entre as demais atividades do canteiro. Assim, o seguinte trabalho visa avaliar a maneira de execução desse sistema em três obras no Estado de São Paulo, além das suas propriedades e parâmetros de desempenho. A aplicação da argamassa autoadensável trouxe muitas vantagens para as obras, tanto do ponto de vista econômico, com uma redução da mão de obra, tempo de execução e materiais, quanto do ponto de vista técnico, no qual mesmo ainda não havendo uma normatização no Brasil para esse serviço, os ensaios realizados mostram resultados acima dos toleráveis em relação ao seu desempenho, não interferindo na qualidade do empreendimento. Portanto, é necessária a elaboração de uma norma voltada para a execução de contrapisos, para que assim possa haver um maior incentivo à utilização da argamassa autoadensável nas edificações.
The combination of productivity and resource optimization is the greatest desire of construction sites. And when it comes to the execution of sub-floors, the traditional method used does not always contribute to the progress of the work. To solve this situation, an alternative already used in countries like France and Spain is its execution with self-compacting mortar, a very fluid material, highly resistant to segregation, which is self-leveling due to its flow capacity. One of its main advantages is the possibility of being pumped vertically in the work, reducing the space for the storage of cement and sand and improving the flow between the other activities of the construction site. Thus, the following work aims to evaluate the way of implementing this system in three works in the State of São Paulo, in addition to its properties and performance parameters. The application of self-compacting mortar brought many advantages to the works, both from an economic point of view, with a reduction in labor, execution time and materials, and from a technical point of view, in which there is still no standardization in Brazil for this service, the tests carried out show results above those tolerable in relation to its performance, without interfering in the quality of the enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a standard aimed at the execution of subfloor, so that there can be a greater incentive to the use of self-compacting mortar in buildings.
The combination of productivity and resource optimization is the greatest desire of construction sites. And when it comes to the execution of sub-floors, the traditional method used does not always contribute to the progress of the work. To solve this situation, an alternative already used in countries like France and Spain is its execution with self-compacting mortar, a very fluid material, highly resistant to segregation, which is self-leveling due to its flow capacity. One of its main advantages is the possibility of being pumped vertically in the work, reducing the space for the storage of cement and sand and improving the flow between the other activities of the construction site. Thus, the following work aims to evaluate the way of implementing this system in three works in the State of São Paulo, in addition to its properties and performance parameters. The application of self-compacting mortar brought many advantages to the works, both from an economic point of view, with a reduction in labor, execution time and materials, and from a technical point of view, in which there is still no standardization in Brazil for this service, the tests carried out show results above those tolerable in relation to its performance, without interfering in the quality of the enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a standard aimed at the execution of subfloor, so that there can be a greater incentive to the use of self-compacting mortar in buildings.
argamassa autoadensável , contrapiso , desempenho , self-compacting mortar , subfloor , performance