Uso do kahoot como ferramenta de engajamento e aprendizagem ativa no ensino de química orgânica.
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Souza, Abel Grangeiro de
Silva, Adriano Reis José da
Silva, Adriano Reis José da
Bonturim, Everton
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Na sociedade moderna atual, cada vez mais estudantes estão mais próximos de novas tecnologias e são capazes de obter qualquer informação de modo instantâneo. Assim, a metodologia tradicional de ensino tem ficado desatualizada, pois não acompanha os avanços tecnológicos e segue a mesma mecânica do século passado. Para suprir as deficiências que o modelo tradicional promove, diversos educadores têm buscado metodologias capazes de tornar o ambiente educacional mais atrativo, motivacional e participativo para os alunos. Nesse ponto, uma metodologia gamificada pode conectar a realidade do aluno com o ambiente escolar e propiciar melhorias no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Uma plataforma bastante empregada para tornar isso possível é o Kahoot, permitindo com que educador e estudante tenha uma interação maior. No âmbito da Química Orgânica, muitos professores ainda têm dificuldades em contextualizar e tornar esse importante conteúdo mais atrativo ao aluno. A partir dos autores estudados, viu-se que o Kahoot proporcionou melhorias significativas no processo de aprendizagem, estimulando a competitividade, o engajamento e a motivação do estudante, facilitando o entendimento de conteúdos normalmente complexos para uma abordagem tradicional
In today's modern society, more and more students are getting closer to new technologies and are able to obtain any information instantly. Thus, the traditional teaching methodology has become outdated, as it does not follow technological advances and follows the same mechanics as the last century. To address the deficiencies that the traditional model promotes, several educators have been looking for methodologies capable of making the educational environment more attractive,motivational and participatory for students. At this point, a gamified methodology can connect the student's reality with the school environment and provide improvements in the teaching and learning process. A platform widely used to make this possible is Kahoot, allowing educator and student to have greater interaction. Within the scope of Organic Chemistry, many teachers still have difficulties in contextualizing and making this important content more attractive to the student. From the studied authors, it was seen that Kahoot has provide significant improvements during learning process, stimulating the student's competitiveness, engagement and motivation, facilitating the understanding of normally complex contents for a traditional approach.
In today's modern society, more and more students are getting closer to new technologies and are able to obtain any information instantly. Thus, the traditional teaching methodology has become outdated, as it does not follow technological advances and follows the same mechanics as the last century. To address the deficiencies that the traditional model promotes, several educators have been looking for methodologies capable of making the educational environment more attractive,motivational and participatory for students. At this point, a gamified methodology can connect the student's reality with the school environment and provide improvements in the teaching and learning process. A platform widely used to make this possible is Kahoot, allowing educator and student to have greater interaction. Within the scope of Organic Chemistry, many teachers still have difficulties in contextualizing and making this important content more attractive to the student. From the studied authors, it was seen that Kahoot has provide significant improvements during learning process, stimulating the student's competitiveness, engagement and motivation, facilitating the understanding of normally complex contents for a traditional approach.
Kahoot , gamificação , química orgânica , gamification , organic chemistry