Avaliação do desempenho do plástico biodegradável com óxido de grafeno
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Santos, Barbara Luiza Souza
Sasso, Marjory de Oliveira
Sasso, Marjory de Oliveira
Rossi, Maura Vincenza
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O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver um bioplástico flexível, à base de um material natural de fontes renovável (amido). Inicialmente, foi realizada a caracterização visual de biofilmes à base de amido elaborados pela técnica de solução (casting), visando a escolha das melhores formulações para serem utilizadas na produção. Foi adicionado óxido de grafeno a fim de verificar o desempenho do mesmo e se há melhora de propriedades. As soluções de amido de milho foram preparadas com incrementos de óxido de grafeno nas concentrações de 0,0%, 0,06% e 0,5% e plastificados com glicerina. Os biofilmes de amido puro tiveram a coloração transparente enquanto os que continham óxido de grafeno ficaram com a coloração marrom. A partir da análise de resistividade elétrica volumétrica não evidenciou aumento significativo na condutividade. Através da espectroscopia no infravermelho, FTIR, foi possível verificar todos os picos característicos tanto do amido quanto do GO. O gráfico de calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC) não apresentou nenhum evento térmico característico. Na análise do gráfico de termogravimetria (TGA) foi possível verificar a perda de massa entre as temperaturas de entre 24 a 142ºC, 250 a 390ºC e 24 a 800ºC para todas as amostras. Na análise de resistência mecânica por tração verificou-se a deformação de cada amostra até sua ruptura total. As amostras, também, sofreram um aumento em suas massas e comprimentos, apresentaram, também, de mudança na coloração, além do surgimento de fissuras quando ficaram submersas em água durante 48h.
The objective of this work was to develop a flexible bioplastic, based on a natural material from renewable sources (starch). Initially, the visual characterization of starch-based biofilms elaborated by the casting technique was performed, aiming at the choice the best formulations to be used in production. Graphene oxide was added in order to verify the performance of the same and if there is improvement of properties. The corn starch solutions were prepared with increments of graphene oxide at concentrations of 0.0%, 0.06 and 0.5% and plasticized with glycerin. Pure starch biofilms were colorless while those containing graphene oxide were browned. From the analysis of volumetric electrical resistance did not show a significant increase in conductivity. Through infrared spectroscopy, FTIR, it was possible to discover all the characteristic aspects of GO starch. The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) graph was not absent in any other thermal thermal event. The graphical analysis of thermogravimetry (TGA) was able to detect the loss of mass between the temperatures of 24 to 142ºC, 250 to 390ºC and 24 to 800ºC for all the samples. In the analysis that the motif of the mechanics is verified, it was found that each of the ruptures of its total part. Samples were also used in staining and lengths, were also made during staining, besides the appearance of cracks when submerged in water for 48h.
The objective of this work was to develop a flexible bioplastic, based on a natural material from renewable sources (starch). Initially, the visual characterization of starch-based biofilms elaborated by the casting technique was performed, aiming at the choice the best formulations to be used in production. Graphene oxide was added in order to verify the performance of the same and if there is improvement of properties. The corn starch solutions were prepared with increments of graphene oxide at concentrations of 0.0%, 0.06 and 0.5% and plasticized with glycerin. Pure starch biofilms were colorless while those containing graphene oxide were browned. From the analysis of volumetric electrical resistance did not show a significant increase in conductivity. Through infrared spectroscopy, FTIR, it was possible to discover all the characteristic aspects of GO starch. The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) graph was not absent in any other thermal thermal event. The graphical analysis of thermogravimetry (TGA) was able to detect the loss of mass between the temperatures of 24 to 142ºC, 250 to 390ºC and 24 to 800ºC for all the samples. In the analysis that the motif of the mechanics is verified, it was found that each of the ruptures of its total part. Samples were also used in staining and lengths, were also made during staining, besides the appearance of cracks when submerged in water for 48h.
amido , filmes biodegradáveis , óxido de grafeno , starch , biodegradable films , graphene oxide