Análise dos aspectos ergonômicos no cotidiano dos funcionários de supermercado
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Ramos, Giulliana De Marchi Eignheer
Pereira, Jessica Valero
Pereira, Jessica Valero
Cardona, Patrícia Soares Pinto
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Membros da banca
A ausência de ergonomia nos postos de trabalho, passou a ser de extrema importância das empresas a partir do momento em que foi identificada como uma das principais causas de ausência no trabalho. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar quatro setores de um supermercado, que não estão cumprindo adequadamente com as Normas Regulamentadoras NR relativas a Ergonomia e quais riscos os colaboradores estão expostos em seu posto de trabalho. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de uma pesquisa de campo e observações das câmeras de segurança do estabelecimento, durante toda a jornada dos colaboradores. Foram propostas melhorias, baseadas na pesquisa bibliográfica realizada, com a finalidade de prevenir a ocorrência de doenças ocupacionais e acidentes relacionados ao trabalho. Portanto, a importancia desse trabalho vai no sentido da conscientizacao dos colaboradores e empresário, em relação aos riscos na execução de suas atividades, que muitas vezes podem ser evitados de modo fácil e rápido, simplesmente pela aplicação das Normas Regulamentadoras.
The lack of ergonomics in the workplace has become extremely important for companies from the moment it came to be identified as one of the main reasons for absence at work.The project has the objective of analyzing four sectors of a supermarket, which are not adequately complying with the regulatory standards relating to ergonomics and the risks employees are exposed in the workplace.The data was obtained through field survey and the establishment security cameras. Based on the bibliographic research improvements were proposed to prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases and accidents related to work.This project is important to enhance the awareness of entrepreneurs and employees in relation to risks in the execution of their work activities and how it can be prevented by the application of Regulatory Norms. Keywords: Ergonomics,
The lack of ergonomics in the workplace has become extremely important for companies from the moment it came to be identified as one of the main reasons for absence at work.The project has the objective of analyzing four sectors of a supermarket, which are not adequately complying with the regulatory standards relating to ergonomics and the risks employees are exposed in the workplace.The data was obtained through field survey and the establishment security cameras. Based on the bibliographic research improvements were proposed to prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases and accidents related to work.This project is important to enhance the awareness of entrepreneurs and employees in relation to risks in the execution of their work activities and how it can be prevented by the application of Regulatory Norms. Keywords: Ergonomics,
ergonomia , normas-regulamentadoras , doenças ocupacionais , acidente de tralho , supermercado , ergonomics , regularoty standards , occupational diseases , work accident and supermarket