Avaliação da descontinuação de produto do setor de eletrodomésticos por meio do método – analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
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Souza, Laurena Rosa de
Silva, Leticia Ribeiro da
Silva, William Eduardo Barbosa da
Silva, Leticia Ribeiro da
Silva, William Eduardo Barbosa da
Pereira, Veridiana Rotondaro
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Membros da banca
Novos produtos são lançados no mercado a todo momento. Entretanto, pouco se discute
a respeito dos produtos que são retirados do mercado. A decisão de descontinuar um
produto precisa estar alinhada com os objetivos estratégicos da organização de modo a
evitar impactos financeiros negativos, perda de clientes ou até mesmo a insolvência da
organização. Dito isto, este artigo tem como objetivo aplicar o método AHP – Fuzzy e
COPRAS na priorização de produtos para descontinuação. O estudo de caso foi
desenvolvido em uma empresa de bens de consumo que atua em duas frentes, produtos
elétricos e não elétricos. Para viabilização do estudo, foi selecionado uma pequena
amostra de produtos não elétricos da categoria de formas de cozinha.A metodologia do
estudo foi dividia em três etapas, sendo elas, entendimento do contexto atual da
organização, aplicação da metodologia AHP – Fuzzy e COPRAS e comparação dos
resultados do método proposto com os obtidos pelo modelo atual da organização. A
conclusão da pesquisa demonstrou que os métodos de tomada de decisão multicritério são
aderentes ao modelo atualmente adotado pela organização e além dos benefícios
relacionados a escolha do produto correto a ser descontinuado o artigo também destaca
as vantagens do modelo aplicado versus o utilizado atualmente pela organização.
New products are launched in the market all days. However, there is little discussion about products that are withdrawn from the market. The decision to discontinue a product must be in line with the organization's strategic objectives in order to avoid negative financial impacts, loss of customers or even insolvency of the organization. That being said, this article aims to apply the AHP - Fuzzy method and COPRAS in the prioritization of products for discontinuation. The case study was developed in a consumer goods company that operates on two fronts, electrical and non-electrical products. In order to make the study viable, it was selected a small sample of non-electrical products from the kitchen category. The methodology of the study was divided in three stages, understanding the actual context of the organization, application of the AHP - Fuzzy and COPRAS methodology and comparison of the results obtained within the framework of this study with the current model of the organization. The conclusion of the research demonstrated that the multicriteria decision-making methods are adherent with the results from obtained by the model currently adopted on the organization and besides the benefits related to choosing the correct product to be discontinued the article also highlights the advantages of the applied model versus the currently used by the organization.
New products are launched in the market all days. However, there is little discussion about products that are withdrawn from the market. The decision to discontinue a product must be in line with the organization's strategic objectives in order to avoid negative financial impacts, loss of customers or even insolvency of the organization. That being said, this article aims to apply the AHP - Fuzzy method and COPRAS in the prioritization of products for discontinuation. The case study was developed in a consumer goods company that operates on two fronts, electrical and non-electrical products. In order to make the study viable, it was selected a small sample of non-electrical products from the kitchen category. The methodology of the study was divided in three stages, understanding the actual context of the organization, application of the AHP - Fuzzy and COPRAS methodology and comparison of the results obtained within the framework of this study with the current model of the organization. The conclusion of the research demonstrated that the multicriteria decision-making methods are adherent with the results from obtained by the model currently adopted on the organization and besides the benefits related to choosing the correct product to be discontinued the article also highlights the advantages of the applied model versus the currently used by the organization.
tomada de decisão multicritério , AHP , fuzzy , COPRAS , gestão de portfólio , multicriteria decision making , COPRAS and portfolio management