Geração de energia a partir de biogás de dejetos bovinos – um estudo de caso
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Barbosa, Caio Augusto
Cavlak, Jorge Garms
Cavlak, Jorge Garms
Velázquez, Sílvia Maria
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A grande extensão territorial do Brasil dificulta a implantação de redes de transmissão elétrica e de transporte, o que favorece a adoção de soluções locais para o suprimento de energia e de outros produtos. Por essa razão, é estratégico o incentivo ao desenvolvimento de tecnologias que utilizem fontes locais e renováveis de energia em pequena escala, possibilitando a descentralização do suprimento, diversificando a matriz elétrica e expondo menos a população aos riscos da variação de produção de energia das hidrelétricas em anos menos chuvosos. Neste contexto, este trabalho apresenta uma alternativa para a geração de energia a partir da coleta e tratamento dos dejetos provenientes da bovinocultura, visando à geração de biogás. O Brasil figura entre os maiores produtores de carne, sendo o maior exportador de carne bovina do mundo, e os dejetos desses animais devem ser destinados adequadamente, a fim de controlar problemas socioambientais. Um estudo de caso realizado na Fazenda Paraguaçu, em Mato Grosso, permitiu uma análise dos aspectos técnicos, econômicos e socioambientais da utilização dos dejetos coletados e tratados para obtenção de biogás, que pode ser convertido em energia térmica e elétrica, resultando ainda, como subproduto, o biofertilizante para ser aplicado na agricultura. A propriedade consome em média 300,9 MWh/ano, que poderão ser supridos pelo sistema caso venha a ser instalado, com payback de 4 anos.
The Brazilian great area extension makes it difficult to have electric network all over the country, the same goes to transportation. This situation gives advantages for local solutions of energy and other supplies. For that reason, it is strategical for the country to encourage financially the development of technologies that uses renewable sources of energy in small scale, that will allow the decentralization of energy supply, and diversify the electric matrix of energy. This will also reduce the risks in the variation of produced energy in less rainy years. In this context, this work presents an alternative for the generation of energy by the utilization of bovine manure and production of biogas. Brazil is one of the biggest producers of meat, and the biggest exporter of bovine beef in the world, and the manure of this animals should be properly destinated to avoid ambiental problems. A case study in the Paraguaçu farm located in Mato Grosso, allowed a technical, financial and socio environmental in the utilization of the collected and treated bovine manure for the production of biogas that should be used for energy production, and yet the biofertilizer that should replace chemical fertilizer in the farm. The property consumes in the media 300,9 MWh/year, and could be partially supplied by the installed system, and payed back within 4 years.
The Brazilian great area extension makes it difficult to have electric network all over the country, the same goes to transportation. This situation gives advantages for local solutions of energy and other supplies. For that reason, it is strategical for the country to encourage financially the development of technologies that uses renewable sources of energy in small scale, that will allow the decentralization of energy supply, and diversify the electric matrix of energy. This will also reduce the risks in the variation of produced energy in less rainy years. In this context, this work presents an alternative for the generation of energy by the utilization of bovine manure and production of biogas. Brazil is one of the biggest producers of meat, and the biggest exporter of bovine beef in the world, and the manure of this animals should be properly destinated to avoid ambiental problems. A case study in the Paraguaçu farm located in Mato Grosso, allowed a technical, financial and socio environmental in the utilization of the collected and treated bovine manure for the production of biogas that should be used for energy production, and yet the biofertilizer that should replace chemical fertilizer in the farm. The property consumes in the media 300,9 MWh/year, and could be partially supplied by the installed system, and payed back within 4 years.
geração de energia , biogás , dejetos bovinos , biogas , bovine manure , energy production , biofertilizer