Aplicação do método multicritério AHP (analytic hierarchy process) para seleção de fornecedores em uma empresa de pequeno porte do ramo de construção civil
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Santos, Lucas Vinicius Nunes dos
Miranda, Paulo Cesar
Miranda, Paulo Cesar
Helleno, André Luís
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Membros da banca
Atualmente as empresas estão buscando focar suas atividades nas funções principais de seus produtos
e serviços com o objetivo de obter vantagem competitiva. Esta característica tem gerado o aumento
da cadeia de fornecedores e consequentemente do processo de seleção destes fornecedores. Esse
trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a aplicação de um método multicritério AHP (Analytic Hierarchy
Process) para seleção de fornecedores em uma empresa de pequeno porte do ramo de construção civil.
Para atender a este objetivo realizou-se um estudo de caso para entender como a empresa faz a seleção
de fornecedores e verificar a possibilidade e as vantagens da aplicação do método AHP. Os resultados
conseguidos com a aplicação do método multicritérios AHP permitem chegar à um ranking para os
fornecedores, para auxiliar a empresa na seleção de fornecedores conforme critérios os definidos pelo
Currently, companies are seeking to focus their activities on the main functions of their products and services to gain competitive advantage. This characteristic has generated the increase of the chain of suppliers and consequently of the process of selection of these suppliers. This work aims to analyze the application of an AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) multicriteria method for selection of suppliers in a small construction company. To meet this objective a case study was carried out to determine how the company makes the selection of suppliers and verify the possibility and advantages of applying the AHP method. The results obtained with an application of the multi-criteria AHP are obtained for a ranking for suppliers, presenting itself as a company to assist in the selection of suppliers, as defined by the decision maker.
Currently, companies are seeking to focus their activities on the main functions of their products and services to gain competitive advantage. This characteristic has generated the increase of the chain of suppliers and consequently of the process of selection of these suppliers. This work aims to analyze the application of an AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) multicriteria method for selection of suppliers in a small construction company. To meet this objective a case study was carried out to determine how the company makes the selection of suppliers and verify the possibility and advantages of applying the AHP method. The results obtained with an application of the multi-criteria AHP are obtained for a ranking for suppliers, presenting itself as a company to assist in the selection of suppliers, as defined by the decision maker.
seleção de fornecedores , tomada de decisão , métodos de tomada de decisão multicritérios , AHP , selection of suppliers , decision making , methods multicriteria