Uma análise comparativa dos índices de pesquisa e desenvolvimento e desempenho logístico entre 2015 e 2019 para o problema de roteamento de veículos
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Santos, Camila Remigo de Queiroz
Ottmann, Guilherme
Cordeiro, Renatta de Souza
Ottmann, Guilherme
Cordeiro, Renatta de Souza
Carvalhal, Marcelo de Almeida
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A roteirização de veículos se tornou um ponto importante para as empresas com a rápida expansão de negócios digitais. A análise de diversas rotas possíveis se apresentou como tema de estudos extensos visto abrangência das variáveis envolvidas e importância do conteúdo para o âmbito empresarial. Além disso o trabalho abordará uma análise comparativa entre os indicadores dos países que mais publicam sobre o tema e a quantidade de publicações, buscando uma possível correlação. Este trabalho tem como objetivo comparar alguns dos índices de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e desempenho logístico para o problema de roteamento de veículos. Para isso serão apresentados alguns dos principais métodos para resolução do problema de roteamento de veículos, entre eles as meta-heurísticas de Otimização de Colônia de Formigas (ACO), Busca Tabu (TS), GRASP e Algoritmo Genético (GA). Os índices que serão abordados serão: Ranking de Desempenho Logístico (LPI), GDP (Gross Domestic Product) em função do PPP (Purchasing Power Parity), quantidade de publicações gerais, por países e por meta-heurística. Os métodos utilizados ao longo trabalho envolvem pesquisas bibliográficas, extração de informações, análise e identificação de correlação entre dados levantados com o propósito de explicitar o vasto campo de pesquisa do assunto VRP em âmbito teórico.
The vehicle routing problem increased importance for companies with the rapid expansion of digital businesses. The analysis of several possible routes became a theme of extensive studies considering the scope of the variables involved into the study and the importance of it for the business segment. In addition, the work will address a comparative analysis between the indicators of the countries that publish the most on the topic and the number of publications, looking for a possible correlation. This work aims to compare some of the research, development and logistical performance indexes for the vehicle routing problem. For that purpose, some of the main methods for solving the vehicle routing problem will be presented, including the Ant Colony Optimization metaheuristics (ACO), Taboo Search (TS), GRASP and Genetic Algorithm (GA). The indexes that will be addressed will be: Logistics Performance Ranking (LPI), GDP (Gross Domestic Product) according to PPP (Purchasing Power Parity), number of general publications, by countries and by meta-heuristic. The methods used throughout the work involve bibliographic research, information extraction, analysis and identification of correlation between the data collected to explain the vast field of research on the subject VRP in theoretical scope.
The vehicle routing problem increased importance for companies with the rapid expansion of digital businesses. The analysis of several possible routes became a theme of extensive studies considering the scope of the variables involved into the study and the importance of it for the business segment. In addition, the work will address a comparative analysis between the indicators of the countries that publish the most on the topic and the number of publications, looking for a possible correlation. This work aims to compare some of the research, development and logistical performance indexes for the vehicle routing problem. For that purpose, some of the main methods for solving the vehicle routing problem will be presented, including the Ant Colony Optimization metaheuristics (ACO), Taboo Search (TS), GRASP and Genetic Algorithm (GA). The indexes that will be addressed will be: Logistics Performance Ranking (LPI), GDP (Gross Domestic Product) according to PPP (Purchasing Power Parity), number of general publications, by countries and by meta-heuristic. The methods used throughout the work involve bibliographic research, information extraction, analysis and identification of correlation between the data collected to explain the vast field of research on the subject VRP in theoretical scope.
problema de roteamento de veículos (VRP) , meta-heurísticas , índices e rankings , vehicle routing problem (VRP) , metaheuristics , indexes and rankings