A economia circular como condutora de programas de logística reversa
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Morelli, Fabio
Fioravanti, Piero de Paula Souza
Makul, Victor Simone Al
Fioravanti, Piero de Paula Souza
Makul, Victor Simone Al
Nicoletti Junior, Alaercio
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A Economia Circular é uma alternativa sustentável para a “nova indústria” deste século com um modelo de circularização de recursos, resíduos e energia, em larga escala, por meio de estímulos à redução da geração de resíduos, reciclagem, à remanufatura, à reutilização e ao compartilhamento. O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o projeto piloto para a logística reversa de embalagens de vidro descartável em pontos de consumo e as possibilidades da sua viabilidade econômica e seus benefícios tais como a conectividade de toda a sua cadeia para a implementação de ações sustentáveis e voltadas à economia circular.
The Circular Economy is a sustainable alternative to the “new industry” of this century with a model of circularization of resources, waste and energy, on a large scale, through incentives to reduce waste generation, recycling, remanufacturing, reuse and sharing. This study aims to evaluate the pilot project for the reverse logistics of disposable glass packaging at points of consumption and the possibilities of its economic viability and its benefits such as the connectivity of its entire chain for the implementation of sustainable and focused actions to the circular economy.
The Circular Economy is a sustainable alternative to the “new industry” of this century with a model of circularization of resources, waste and energy, on a large scale, through incentives to reduce waste generation, recycling, remanufacturing, reuse and sharing. This study aims to evaluate the pilot project for the reverse logistics of disposable glass packaging at points of consumption and the possibilities of its economic viability and its benefits such as the connectivity of its entire chain for the implementation of sustainable and focused actions to the circular economy.
economia circular , modelo linear , sustentabilidade , vidro , circular economy, , linear model , sustainability , glass , post consumption