Manufatura aditiva de materiais metálicos: métodos, procedimentos e produtos
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Ladeira, Igor José Dester
Calicchio, Leonardo
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O avanço das tecnologias de impressão 3D adentrou a área de materiais metálicos e tem se desenvolvido na última década. A capacidade de manufaturar aditivamente partes metálicas permite a elaboração de produtos com formas complexas, impossíveis de se obter com processamentos convencionais, e propriedades inéditas. Mais ainda, a manufatura aditiva de materiais metálicos permite a flexibilidade do design, o encurtamento do estágio de desenvolvimento de produtos e a redução de resíduos durante o processamento, tornando-a interessante no contexto de Indústria 4.0. Através da aquisição e análise de publicações científicas, reuniu-se a informação acerca das características deste método de produção. Esse trabalho revisa a literatura sobre a área de manufatura aditiva (ou impressão 3D), tratando dos principais métodos de impressão de materiais metálicos, especificamente as tecnologias de Powder Bed Fusion, Directed Energy Deposition e Binder Jetting, das características destes processos e impacto dos parâmetros na conformação da matéria-prima, dos principais produtos obtidos, e estabelecendo, também, uma comparação com os métodos convencionais
The advancement of 3D printing technologies entered the area of metallic materials and has developed in the last decade. The capacity of manufacturing metallic parts additively allows the elaboration of products with complex shapes, impossible to acquire through conventional methods, and unprecedented properties. More even, the additive manufacturing of metallic materials allows design flexibility, shortening of the product development process and the reduction of residue from processing, making it interest in the context of Industry 4.0. Through the acquirement and analysis of scientific publications, information about the subject was gathered regarding the characteristics of this production method. This work reviews the literature about the area of additive manufacturing (or 3D printing) of metallic materials, addressing the main methods of metallic materials printing, specifically the technologies of Powder Bed Fusion, Directed Energy Deposition and Binder Jetting the characteristics of processing and the impact of parameters in shaping the raw material, the main products obtained, and establishing, as well, a comparison with conventional methods
The advancement of 3D printing technologies entered the area of metallic materials and has developed in the last decade. The capacity of manufacturing metallic parts additively allows the elaboration of products with complex shapes, impossible to acquire through conventional methods, and unprecedented properties. More even, the additive manufacturing of metallic materials allows design flexibility, shortening of the product development process and the reduction of residue from processing, making it interest in the context of Industry 4.0. Through the acquirement and analysis of scientific publications, information about the subject was gathered regarding the characteristics of this production method. This work reviews the literature about the area of additive manufacturing (or 3D printing) of metallic materials, addressing the main methods of metallic materials printing, specifically the technologies of Powder Bed Fusion, Directed Energy Deposition and Binder Jetting the characteristics of processing and the impact of parameters in shaping the raw material, the main products obtained, and establishing, as well, a comparison with conventional methods
manufatura aditiva , metais , impressão 3D. , additive manufacturing , metals , 3D printing