Estudo bibliométrico da pesquisa científica sobre a indústria 4.0
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Markovits, Alexandre
Nese, Leticia Lazzareschi
Salvadio, Pedro de Oliveira
Piassa, Rafael Carlos
Scapin, Vinicius de Andrade
Nese, Leticia Lazzareschi
Salvadio, Pedro de Oliveira
Piassa, Rafael Carlos
Scapin, Vinicius de Andrade
Orrego, Roxana Maria Martins
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O desenvolvimento da Indústria 4.0 traz mudanças sistêmicas tanto tecnológicas quanto humanísticas na sociedade como um todo. Novos conceitos surgem como Sistemas Ciber- Físicos, Big Data, Internet das Coisas, Computação em Nuvem, entre outros, que são abordados frequentemente como os pilares da 4ª Revolução Industrial. Levando em consideração a baixa incidência de aplicação e integração entre os pilares da Indústria 4.0, foi-se necessário o desenvolvimento de uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre a pesquisa cientifica deste tema. Com o objetivo de apresentar o desenvolvimento e os resultados de uma pesquisa sobre o conceito de Indústria 4.0, no presente trabalho são mostrados os principais autores que pesquisam sobre o tema, os principais países, principais pilares, entre outros pontos, com o intuito de realizar o mapeamento teórico do assunto. Em seguida, foi-se analisado o conteúdo dos artigos com aplicações do tema. Dentre outros resultados significativos, identificou- se que na Ásia, Américas e Europa, a maioria das pesquisas tratam de Sistemas Ciber-Físicos, Realidade Aumentada e Big Data.
The development of Industry 4.0 brings both technological and humanistic systemic changes in society as a whole. New concepts emerge as Cyber-Physical Systems, Big Data, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, among others, which are often approached as the pillars of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Taking into account the low incidence of application and integration among the pillars of Industry 4.0, it was necessary to develop a systematic review of the literature on scientific research on this topic. With the objective of presenting the development and results of a research on the concept of Industry 4.0 are shown: the main authors that research on the theme, the main countries, main pillars, among others the intention to carry out the theoretical mapping of the subject. Then, the content of the articles with applications of the theme was analyzed. Among other significant results, it was identified that in Asia, the Americas and Europe, most of the research deals with Cyber-Physical Systems, Augmented Reality and Big Data.
The development of Industry 4.0 brings both technological and humanistic systemic changes in society as a whole. New concepts emerge as Cyber-Physical Systems, Big Data, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, among others, which are often approached as the pillars of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Taking into account the low incidence of application and integration among the pillars of Industry 4.0, it was necessary to develop a systematic review of the literature on scientific research on this topic. With the objective of presenting the development and results of a research on the concept of Industry 4.0 are shown: the main authors that research on the theme, the main countries, main pillars, among others the intention to carry out the theoretical mapping of the subject. Then, the content of the articles with applications of the theme was analyzed. Among other significant results, it was identified that in Asia, the Americas and Europe, most of the research deals with Cyber-Physical Systems, Augmented Reality and Big Data.
indústria 4.0 , internet das coisas , sistema ciber-físico , big data , industry 4.0 , internet of things , cyber-physical system