Estudo de solução alternativa para o caso de reaprumo de edifícios inclinados devido ao adensamento de solo na Orla de Santos
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Scudeler, Isadora Borges
Luz, Paulo Afonso de Cerqueira
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Na cidade de Santos, problemas de recalque vem ocorrendo desde o início dos anos 50. Devido à acelerada urbanização e expansão da economia local, os arredores do porto, hoje considerado o principal porto de exportação do país, foram rapidamente ocupados, sem que houvesse um estudo aprofundado e técnico sobre as caracteristicas geotécnicas da região. Acreditou-se que a camada superficial do solo, caracterizada por areia compacta fosse suportar os esforços requeridos por fundações rasas. Após o aparecimento de recalques e a realização de estudos mais aprofundados no tema, entre as décadas de 60 e 70, descobriu-se abaixo da camada de areia está presente uma camada de solo argiloso marinho, não adequada como solo de fundação para os edificios nessa região. Dentre as soluções presentes para o reaprumo de edifícios inclinados, o reforço de fundação é uma delas e foi adotado no caso do edificio Núncio Malzoni, localizado na cidade de Santos (SP), tanto no Bloco A (MAFFEI, 2006) quanto no Bloco B (MAFFEI, 2019). O edifício apresentou um deslocamento horizontal de 2,2 metros devido ao recalque. Foram realizadas subfundações e utilização de macaco hidráulico para correção do prumo. O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo de uma solução alternativa ao reforço de fundação para a correção do recalque por adensamento e reaprumo de edifícios, como a aplicação de carga na superfície do terreno, do lado menos recalcado do prédio, que poderia ser aplicada à situação de caso estudada, assim como uma análise dos possíveis resultados da aplicação de tal solução e um estudo detalhado de todos os aspectos envolvidos.
In the city of Santos, settlement problems have been occurring since the early 1950s. Due to the accelerated urbanization and expansion of the local economy, the surroundings of the port, now considered the main export port in the country, were quickly occupied, without there being an in-depth and technical study on the geotechnical characteristics of the region. It was believed that the topsoil, characterized by compacted sand, would withstand the efforts required by shallow foundations. After the emergence of settlements and further studies on the subject, between the 60s and 70s, a layer of marine clay soil was found below the sand layer, not suitable as foundation soil for buildings in this region. Among the solutions present for the readjustment of inclined buildings, the foundation reinforcement is one of them and it was adopted in the case of the Núncio Malzoni building, located in the city of Santos (SP), both in Block A (MAFFEI, 2006) and in Block B (MAFFEI, 2019). The building had a horizontal displacement of 2.2 meters due to settlement. Sub-foundations were carried out and hydraulic jack was used to correct the plumb. The present work presents a study of an alternative solution to the reinforcement of the foundation for the correction of settlement by densification and readjustment of buildings, such as the application of load on the land surface, on the less repressed side of the building, which could be applied to the situation of case studied, as well as an analysis of the possible results of applying such a solution and a detailed study of all aspects involved.
In the city of Santos, settlement problems have been occurring since the early 1950s. Due to the accelerated urbanization and expansion of the local economy, the surroundings of the port, now considered the main export port in the country, were quickly occupied, without there being an in-depth and technical study on the geotechnical characteristics of the region. It was believed that the topsoil, characterized by compacted sand, would withstand the efforts required by shallow foundations. After the emergence of settlements and further studies on the subject, between the 60s and 70s, a layer of marine clay soil was found below the sand layer, not suitable as foundation soil for buildings in this region. Among the solutions present for the readjustment of inclined buildings, the foundation reinforcement is one of them and it was adopted in the case of the Núncio Malzoni building, located in the city of Santos (SP), both in Block A (MAFFEI, 2006) and in Block B (MAFFEI, 2019). The building had a horizontal displacement of 2.2 meters due to settlement. Sub-foundations were carried out and hydraulic jack was used to correct the plumb. The present work presents a study of an alternative solution to the reinforcement of the foundation for the correction of settlement by densification and readjustment of buildings, such as the application of load on the land surface, on the less repressed side of the building, which could be applied to the situation of case studied, as well as an analysis of the possible results of applying such a solution and a detailed study of all aspects involved.
Fundação , Edifícios inclinados , Reaprumo , Recalques , Santos , Solução , Foundation , Readjustment , Settlements , Sloping buildings , Solution