Emprego de embalagens ativas e inteligentes.
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Szász Gaia, Nathália
Chiquetto Machado, Miriam Lucia
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As embalagens alimentícias têm grande importância atualmente pois auxiliam na preservação, proteção, transporte, e informam o consumidor sobre a composição nutricional do alimento. As embalagens conferem competitividade entre as indústrias de alimentos, em decorrência das exigências dos consumidores, que buscam cada vez mais embalagens mais modernas, práticas, que preservem os alimentos auxiliando na redução de conservantes, além de serem econômicas e sustentáveis. O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar os conceitos e tipos existentes de embalagens ativas e inteligentes, destacando-se o potencial do emprego de nanomateriais em embalagens. São apresentados exemplos de embalagens existentes no mercado, ou que estejam sendo desenvolvidas, a fim de ilustrar os conceitos abordados. A metodologia deste trabalho constituiu de pesquisa em base de dados tanto sobre artigos acadêmicos como sobre produtos existentes no mercado. As principais aplicações dos nanomateriais em embalagens são relativas às propriedades antimicrobianas e à melhora das propriedades de barreira de gases e umidade, conferidas ao material da embalagem. Ainda não há estudos consistentes sobre o risco do emprego de nanopartículas em embalagens alimentícias, nem legislação específica sobre o assunto, tanto no Brasil como em outros países. No site da Associação Brasileira de Embalagem são citadas as referências gerais sobre legislação de embalagens no Brasil.
Food packages, nowadays, play a huge roll on the preservation, protection, and transportation of food. On top of that, they’re also responsible for informing customers of the nutritional composition of the nourishment in question. The packages check the competitiveness between the food industry, attending to customer’s demand, who are always looking for modern packages that are capable of well storing the food and that also help decrease the amount of preservatives. Besides, packages must also be economical and sustainable. This project’s goal was to present the concepts and existing types of active and smart packages, emphasizing the application potential of nano materials on them. Demonstrations of packages that exist in the market or that find themselves in development phase are presented with the intent of illustrating the concepts addressed in the course of the project. This work’s methodology is constituted of internet research on scholarly articles as well as information about existing products in the market. The main applications of nano materials in packages are relative to the gases and humidity barriers put to the materials of the packings. The are still no consistent studies on the risks of using nano particles in food packings, nor there are specific legislations about the matter in Brazil or other countries. On the Brazilian Association of Packages’s website a couple of general references about the legislations of packages in Brazil are cited.
Food packages, nowadays, play a huge roll on the preservation, protection, and transportation of food. On top of that, they’re also responsible for informing customers of the nutritional composition of the nourishment in question. The packages check the competitiveness between the food industry, attending to customer’s demand, who are always looking for modern packages that are capable of well storing the food and that also help decrease the amount of preservatives. Besides, packages must also be economical and sustainable. This project’s goal was to present the concepts and existing types of active and smart packages, emphasizing the application potential of nano materials on them. Demonstrations of packages that exist in the market or that find themselves in development phase are presented with the intent of illustrating the concepts addressed in the course of the project. This work’s methodology is constituted of internet research on scholarly articles as well as information about existing products in the market. The main applications of nano materials in packages are relative to the gases and humidity barriers put to the materials of the packings. The are still no consistent studies on the risks of using nano particles in food packings, nor there are specific legislations about the matter in Brazil or other countries. On the Brazilian Association of Packages’s website a couple of general references about the legislations of packages in Brazil are cited.
embalagem ativa , embalagem inteligente , nanotecnologia em embalagem , active packaging , smart packaging , nanotechnology in packages