Estudo de caso do sistema de contenção de uma estação do metrô.
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Pinelli, Emanuel Soares de Oliveira
Silva, Felipe Pereira da
Pereira, Lucas de Sales
Pereira, Marlon Peixoto
Silva, Felipe Pereira da
Pereira, Lucas de Sales
Pereira, Marlon Peixoto
Lazaro, Alberto Alonso
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Membros da banca
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo elaborar uma retroanálise referente a um sistema de contenção de uma das obras da estação Vila Sônia. O estudo foi baseado em uma memória de cálculo disponibilizada pela Companhia do Metropolitano de São Paulo, com foco na análise de dois elementos em específico: paredes diafragma e tirantes. Através do material utilizado na revisão da literatura, foi possível entender o procedimento como um todo de ambos processos mencionados, desde a finalidade até a funcionalidade e o método executivo. Já com as informações disponibilizadas dentro da memória de cálculo, se viabilizou a caracterização dos softwares utilizados, a determinação dos parâmetros de solo, que foram modelados utilizando o modelo constitutivo de Mohr-Coulomb, o cálculo dos empuxos ativos e passivos atuantes na parede e montagem de um modelo para processamento utilizando o Ftool. Deste modelo, com análises numéricas bidimensionais, foram estabelecidas as reações solicitadas nos tirantes e nos nós do trecho enterrado da parede, apresentando o dimensionamento das estruturas de contenção e a análise do comportamento tensão-deformação. Levando em consideração os dados disponibilizados pela companhia, e as premissas adotadas para escolha dos parâmetros do solo que foram utilizados dentro do Ftool, foi viável a representação de um modelo do qual foi obtido uma conclusão satisfatória, com um fator de segurança acima do estabelecido em norma.
The present study was aimed at elaborating a retro-analysis referring to a containment system of one of the construction sites of the Vila Sônia station. The data collected was based on a memorandum of understanding provided by the Companhia do Metropolitano de São Paulo, focusing on the analysis of two specific elements: diaphragm walls and tie rods. Through the material used in the literature review, it was possible to understand the procedure as a whole, from the purpose to the functionality and the method of execution. By utilizing the information available within the memorandum, it was possible to characterize the software used in the original project, determine the soil parameters, which were modeled using the Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model, the calculation of active and passive thrusts acting on the wall and the assembly of a model for processing using the Ftool software. From the data extracted with the software, by method of two-dimensional numerical analysis, the reactions were established in the ties and nodes of the buried section of the wall, presenting the proportions of the containment structures, and analysis of the stress-strain behavior. Taking into account the data provided by the company, and the assumptions adopted on the soil parameters that were used within the Ftool, it was possible to represent a model from which a satisfactory conclusion was reached, with a safety factor above the standard established.
The present study was aimed at elaborating a retro-analysis referring to a containment system of one of the construction sites of the Vila Sônia station. The data collected was based on a memorandum of understanding provided by the Companhia do Metropolitano de São Paulo, focusing on the analysis of two specific elements: diaphragm walls and tie rods. Through the material used in the literature review, it was possible to understand the procedure as a whole, from the purpose to the functionality and the method of execution. By utilizing the information available within the memorandum, it was possible to characterize the software used in the original project, determine the soil parameters, which were modeled using the Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model, the calculation of active and passive thrusts acting on the wall and the assembly of a model for processing using the Ftool software. From the data extracted with the software, by method of two-dimensional numerical analysis, the reactions were established in the ties and nodes of the buried section of the wall, presenting the proportions of the containment structures, and analysis of the stress-strain behavior. Taking into account the data provided by the company, and the assumptions adopted on the soil parameters that were used within the Ftool, it was possible to represent a model from which a satisfactory conclusion was reached, with a safety factor above the standard established.
paredes diafragma , tirantes , retroanálise , sistema de contenção , construção civil , diaphragm walls , containment system , construction , tie rods , retro-analysis