Estudo de viabilidade econômica da geração distribuída na Cidade de São Paulo
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Santos, Arthur Henry Francisquini dos
Sousa, Emerson Cardoso de
Sousa, Emerson Cardoso de
Nieto, Renata Corrêa
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Este presente trabalho tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento do projeto básico de geração distribuída a partir da energia fotovoltaica em uma residência localizada na cidade de São Paulo com área equivalente a 59,12 m². Inicialmente foi realizado estudos que regem a geração distribuída e o entendimento sólido sobre o funcionamento do sistema de energia fotovoltaica. Por conseguinte, foram apresentadas normas que envolvem o sistema e a descrição dos componentes utilizados no projeto. Obteve-se os dados de irradiação solar no site CRESESB (Centro de Referência para as Energias Solar e Eólica Sérgio de S.Brito) que fundamentou o dimensionamento das placas solares e dos inversores. Contudo foi executado o estudo de viabilidade econômica do sistema, comparativo entre o antes e o depois da inserção do sistema fotovoltaico. Por fim foi realizado o cálculo do retorno do investimento, onde a projeção de retorno do valor investido será recuperada em 6 anos.
This present work aims to develop the basic project of distributed generation from photovoltaic energy in a residence located in the city of São Paulo with an area equivalent to 59.12 m². Initially, studies were conducted that govern distributed generation and a solid understanding of the functioning of the photovoltaic energy system. Therefore, standards were presented that involve the system and the description of the components used in the project. Solar irradiation data was obtained from the CRESESB website (Reference Center for Solar and Wind Energy Sérgio de S.Brito), which supported the design of solar panels and inverters. However, the economic feasibility study of the system was carried out, comparing the before and after the insertion of the photovoltaic system. Finally, the return on investment was calculated, where the amount invested will be recovered in 6 years.
This present work aims to develop the basic project of distributed generation from photovoltaic energy in a residence located in the city of São Paulo with an area equivalent to 59.12 m². Initially, studies were conducted that govern distributed generation and a solid understanding of the functioning of the photovoltaic energy system. Therefore, standards were presented that involve the system and the description of the components used in the project. Solar irradiation data was obtained from the CRESESB website (Reference Center for Solar and Wind Energy Sérgio de S.Brito), which supported the design of solar panels and inverters. However, the economic feasibility study of the system was carried out, comparing the before and after the insertion of the photovoltaic system. Finally, the return on investment was calculated, where the amount invested will be recovered in 6 years.
sistema fotovoltaico , geração distribuída , viabilidade econômica , photovoltaic system , distributed generation , economic viability