Estudo da obtenção, caracterização microestrutural, propriedades e aplicações dos ferros fundidos branco e cinzento.
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Menezes, Ana Claudia Silveira
Silva, Leonardo Alves da
Silva, Leonardo Alves da
Couto, Antonio Augusto
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Os ferros fundidos são um tipo liga metálica que podem possuir teores de carbono de 2,11% a 6,50% em sua composição, com variados níveis de elementos de liga, principalmente o silício, que possibilita esse material se apresentar em diferentes classes. Essa liga é de grande interesse comercial por apresentar boas propriedades mecânicas por um preço relativamente baixo de produção, sendo majoritariamente aplicado na indústria automobilística e em outros setores dependendo da classe de ferro fundido. Levando em consideração a sua elevada demanda no mercado mundial, a evolução tecnológica dos processos de obtenção desse material tem sido buscada cada vez mais, a fim de reduzir seus custos de produção e consequentemente o seu preço. Isso torna o estudo da ciência desse material de extrema importância para otimização de processos e desenvolvimento de novas aplicações. O objetivo deste artigo é comparar os ferros fundidos brancos e cinzentos em diferentes aspectos evidenciando como as suas características podem ser aplicadas na indústria.
Cast irons are metallic alloys that can have 2,11% to 6,50% of carbon content in its composition, with variable levels of alloy elements, mainly the silicon, which can make this material to manifest in distinct classes. This alloy has a major commercial interest due to its good mechanical properties for a considerable low manufacturing price, being majorly applied on the automotive industry and other sectors based on the class of cast iron which is more appropriate. Considering its high world demand, the technology evolution of the manufacturing processes of this kind of material has been sought out even more, looking to cut down costs of production and therefore lower price. So the study of the material’s science behind it, carries a great value for optimizing manufacturing processes and developing new applications. The objective of this paper is to compare the white and gray cast irons in several aspects indicating how its attributes can be implemented on the industry.
Cast irons are metallic alloys that can have 2,11% to 6,50% of carbon content in its composition, with variable levels of alloy elements, mainly the silicon, which can make this material to manifest in distinct classes. This alloy has a major commercial interest due to its good mechanical properties for a considerable low manufacturing price, being majorly applied on the automotive industry and other sectors based on the class of cast iron which is more appropriate. Considering its high world demand, the technology evolution of the manufacturing processes of this kind of material has been sought out even more, looking to cut down costs of production and therefore lower price. So the study of the material’s science behind it, carries a great value for optimizing manufacturing processes and developing new applications. The objective of this paper is to compare the white and gray cast irons in several aspects indicating how its attributes can be implemented on the industry.
ferro fundido branco , ferro fundido cinzento , aplicações , propriedades , obtenção , microestrutura , white cast iron , gray cast iron , applications , properties , manufacturing , microstructure