Análise de cargas sensíveis a afundamentos momentâneos de tensão em plantas industriais
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Veiga, Tadeu Luiz Xavier
Motoki, Edison Massao
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Os Afundamentos Momentâneos de Tensão (AMTs) são distúrbios intrínsecos à operação do sistema elétrico de potência, sendo um dos principais fatores que ocasionam problemas de Qualidade de Energia Elétrica (QEE) principalmente nos sistemas de distribuição. Sua ocorrência pode resultar em aplicação de penalidades financeiras por órgão regulador às concessionárias, perdas financeiras e diversos transtornos principalmente aos consumidores industriais, bem como na diminuição da confiabilidade e eficiência do sistema elétrico. No presente trabalho foram selecionados para análise dois equipamentos considerados como cargas de maior utilização nos processos de controle e automação industriais e de maior sensibilidade aos AMTs: o contator eletromagnético de Corrente Alternada (CA) e o inversor de frequência, do termo inglês “Adjustable Speed Drive (ASD)”. Ambos os equipamentos foram submetidos a AMT através de simulação em bancada, sendo posteriormente realizado o levantamento das suas curvas de sensibilidade considerando-se a magnitude e duração do AMT e então realizada a análise dos efeitos provocados em cada uma das cargas. Os resultados atestam os dados teóricos anteriormente consultados na revisão da literatura, confirmando alto nível de sensibilidade do contator CA e do inversor de frequência.
Voltage sags are disturbances intrinsic to the operation of the power electrical system, being one of the main factors that cause Power Quality (PQ) problems mainly in distribution systems. Their occurrence may result in the application of financial penalties by a regulatory agency to the utilities, financial losses and several inconveniences mainly to industrial consumers, as well as a decrease in the reliability and efficiency of the electrical system. In the present work, two pieces of equipment were selected for analysis, considered to be the most widely used loads in industrial control and automation processes and to be the most sensitive to voltage sags: the alternating current (AC) electromagnetic contactor and the frequency inverter, of the English term "Adjustable Speed Drive (ASD)". Both equipment were been submitted to the voltage sags through benchtop simulation, being later carried out the survey of their sensitivity curves considering the magnitude and duration of the voltage sags and then the analysis of the effects caused on each load. The results attest the theoretical data previously consulted in the literature review, confirming the high level of sensitivity of the AC contactor and the frequency inverter.
Voltage sags are disturbances intrinsic to the operation of the power electrical system, being one of the main factors that cause Power Quality (PQ) problems mainly in distribution systems. Their occurrence may result in the application of financial penalties by a regulatory agency to the utilities, financial losses and several inconveniences mainly to industrial consumers, as well as a decrease in the reliability and efficiency of the electrical system. In the present work, two pieces of equipment were selected for analysis, considered to be the most widely used loads in industrial control and automation processes and to be the most sensitive to voltage sags: the alternating current (AC) electromagnetic contactor and the frequency inverter, of the English term "Adjustable Speed Drive (ASD)". Both equipment were been submitted to the voltage sags through benchtop simulation, being later carried out the survey of their sensitivity curves considering the magnitude and duration of the voltage sags and then the analysis of the effects caused on each load. The results attest the theoretical data previously consulted in the literature review, confirming the high level of sensitivity of the AC contactor and the frequency inverter.
afundamento momentâneo de tensão , cargas sensíveis , qualidade de energia , voltage sag , sensitive loads , power quality