Transformação digital no agronegócio: como a implantação de novas tecnologias pode impactar uma indústria algodoeira.
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Picinin, Adriano Mateus
Palma, Victor Milagres
Palma, Victor Milagres
Nicoletti Júnior, Alaércio
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O estudo abordou o cenário da produção algodoeira dentro do agronegócio nacional, enfatizando sua importância e como o uso de tecnologias no setor algodoeiro otimiza os processos de produção do algodão. Foi desenvolvido um estudo de caso, em uma indústria algodoeira localizada no centro norte do Mato Grosso, na qual foram realizadas visitas técnicas, entrevistas, obtenção de informações (planilhas, tabelas, etc.) que proporcionou o entendimento do seu funcionamento, desde o processo de plantio até o despacho do algodão ao cliente. A indústria estudada está implantando o uso de uma nova tecnologia que promete otimizar o processo e evitar perdas desnecessárias de matéria prima e, a partir de dados coletados, será possível avaliar o desempenho dessa tecnologia, verificando sua real eficiência dentro do processo. O estudo mostra que o novo sistema solucionou os problemas e melhorou a eficiência da produção, deixando, contudo, gaps a serem solucionados.
The study addressed the cotton production scenario within the national agribusiness, emphasizing its importance and how the use of technologies in the cotton sector optimizes cotton production processes. A case study was developed in a cotton industry located in the center of northern Mato Grosso, in which technical visits, interviews, obtaining information (spreadsheets, tables, etc.) were carried out, which provided an understanding of its operation, from the process from planting to shipping the cotton to the customer. The studied industry is implementing the use of a new technology that promises to optimize the process and avoid unnecessary losses of raw material and, based on collected data, it will be possible to evaluate the performance of this technology, verifying its real efficiency within the process. The study shows that the new system solved the problems and improved the production efficiency, leaving, however, gaps to be solved.
The study addressed the cotton production scenario within the national agribusiness, emphasizing its importance and how the use of technologies in the cotton sector optimizes cotton production processes. A case study was developed in a cotton industry located in the center of northern Mato Grosso, in which technical visits, interviews, obtaining information (spreadsheets, tables, etc.) were carried out, which provided an understanding of its operation, from the process from planting to shipping the cotton to the customer. The studied industry is implementing the use of a new technology that promises to optimize the process and avoid unnecessary losses of raw material and, based on collected data, it will be possible to evaluate the performance of this technology, verifying its real efficiency within the process. The study shows that the new system solved the problems and improved the production efficiency, leaving, however, gaps to be solved.
transformação digital , agroindústria , cultura do algodão , cadeia de suprimentos , digital transformation , agroindustry , cotton culture , supply chain