Proposta de adequação socioeconômica para otimização de portfólio de fundos de investimento
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Guarnieri, Filipe
Moscardini, Gabriel Silvestre
Burunzuzian, João Roberto
Moscardini, Gabriel Silvestre
Burunzuzian, João Roberto
Carvalhal, Marcelo de Almeida
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Membros da banca
O estudo aqui apresentado tem como objetivo auxiliar a tomada de decisão, com modelos matemáticos, na composição de um portfólio de fundos de investimento adequado para cada tipo de perfil de investidor, por meio da integração de modelagem computacional avançada, cálculo da fronteira eficiente, apresentada na Teoria Moderna de Portfólio, de Harry Markowitz e da adequação do modelo conforme restrições escolhidas.
Dentro do estudo, o objetivo principal é identificar as melhores carteiras de investimento a partir da relação risco e retorno de portfólio compostas por fundos de investimentos, minimizar o tempo de processamento da análise computacional e comprovar conforme as bibliografias, como essa relação impacta o desempenho de uma carteira, assim como sua influência na composição e escolha de ativos dentro de uma carteira.
Desta forma buscamos a minimização de risco levando em consideração o retorno, volatilidade e índice Sharpe como indicadores para avaliar o desempenho histórico de 120 fundos de investimento durante o período de 01/07/2020 até 30/06/2021, como forma de auxiliar a tomada de decisão futura
This study aims to assist decision making, with mathematical modeling, to compose a portfolio of investment funds suitable for each type of investor profile, through the integration of advanced computational modeling and efficient frontier calculation, presented in the Modern Theory of Portfolio, by Harry Markowitz and the adequacy of the model according to chosen constraints. Within the study, the main objectives are to identify the best investment portfolios considering the risk and return ratio of portfolios composed of investment funds, minimize the processing time of the computational analysis and prove, according to the literature, how this relationship impacts the performance of a portfolio, as well as its influence on the composition and choice of assets within a portfolio. In this way, we seek to minimize risk, taking into account the return, volatility and the Sharpe index as indicators to evaluate the historical performance of 120 investment funds during the period from 07/01/2020 to 06/30/2021, as a way of helping future decision making.
This study aims to assist decision making, with mathematical modeling, to compose a portfolio of investment funds suitable for each type of investor profile, through the integration of advanced computational modeling and efficient frontier calculation, presented in the Modern Theory of Portfolio, by Harry Markowitz and the adequacy of the model according to chosen constraints. Within the study, the main objectives are to identify the best investment portfolios considering the risk and return ratio of portfolios composed of investment funds, minimize the processing time of the computational analysis and prove, according to the literature, how this relationship impacts the performance of a portfolio, as well as its influence on the composition and choice of assets within a portfolio. In this way, we seek to minimize risk, taking into account the return, volatility and the Sharpe index as indicators to evaluate the historical performance of 120 investment funds during the period from 07/01/2020 to 06/30/2021, as a way of helping future decision making.
portfólio , fundos de investimento , teoria moderna de portfólio , markowitz , portfolio , investment funds