O impacto do coronavírus na produção de bens de consumo no Brasil – Um estudo de caso em uma empresa do setor químico
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Silva, Ana Carolina da
Silva, Gabriel Luiz Ferreira da
Silva, Gabriel Luiz Ferreira da
Santos, Mário Sérgio Correa dos
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A pandemia causada pelo SARS-CoV-2 que se iniciou em março de 2020 teve impactos diversos na economia mundial. Em decorrência disso, o presente estudo buscou analisar uma indústria do setor químico para entender mais profundamente qual foi o impacto da pandemia em seus processos. Através de entrevistas com áreas consideradas como principais para o mantenimento da empresa, foi possível verificar como o período pandêmico afetou tanto os profissionais quanto os processos industriais como um todo. Tais processos foram revistos e novas soluções de abastecimento de matéria prima foram criadas, enquanto programas de bem-estar e qualidade de vida foram destacados para o melhor aproveitamento do capital humano, que viria a ter problemas de exaustão e difusão do que era tempo para trabalhar e o que era tempo de cuidar de si. Através destes pontos, conclui-se que não é possível separar pessoas de processos e que quando algo os afeta, tudo em sua volta acaba sendo impactado e precisa ser analisado.
Starting in March 2020, the pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus resulted in many impacts on the global economy. Due to these impacts, this study analyzed a Chemical industry to profoundly understand how the pandemic changed its processes. Through interviews between the main teams, it was possible to verify how the pandemic period affected not only the professionals but also the industrial processes. These processes were revised, and new supply solutions were created while well-being and health quality programs were accentuated, due to burnout problems and the way people did not know how to separate their professional lives to the time to take care of themselves. Throughout these topics, it is possible to conclude that it is not possible to separate people from industrial processes and when something affects them, everything around it gets caught up in the action and needs to be analyzed.
Starting in March 2020, the pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus resulted in many impacts on the global economy. Due to these impacts, this study analyzed a Chemical industry to profoundly understand how the pandemic changed its processes. Through interviews between the main teams, it was possible to verify how the pandemic period affected not only the professionals but also the industrial processes. These processes were revised, and new supply solutions were created while well-being and health quality programs were accentuated, due to burnout problems and the way people did not know how to separate their professional lives to the time to take care of themselves. Throughout these topics, it is possible to conclude that it is not possible to separate people from industrial processes and when something affects them, everything around it gets caught up in the action and needs to be analyzed.
pandemia , indústria , estudo de caso